Message from @DOLBATIC
Discord ID: 633734901245673512
practical post-scarcity
what if we automate the entire labor force
having a metric fuckton of resources to go around
and let supercomputers take over
scarcity technically still exists it just wouldn't be an issue at the time
Or maybe have every country work on population control? Stop awarding people for having kids, sanction countries that wont control their populations
good luck with that
Its better than billions of people dying from famine, disease, or lack of clean water
>every country work on population control
The west already has low birth rates tho
poorer people have more kids on average
should I read this?
It's potentially infinite (though it will never be actually infinite)
energy is not infinite
new matter/energy isn't being created
Empty space isn't a thing
energy cannot be created
thats literally against scientific laws
Well fuck the law
I'm a free nigga
NATO is getting pissed at Turkey
And Russia backs Syria
My leader can beat your leader.
I unironically miss when that was how it worked
Monarchist ganf
Can I get someone to make me a simple 3 page HTML outline?
I unironically miss it when battles were centered around a duel between 2 leaders and if one of them was too weak then the whole dominion had to suffer occupation and slavery to a foreign invader without even being morally legitimised to fight back @Magnus the Rad
Y’all got any of that ara ara