Message from @Colonel Clint
Discord ID: 621860013865959455
yea could maybe i just want to see hoe many players my server can take so i only have it on 25 players at this moment
On my way
Anybody who pronounces 'Z' as 'Zed' and not 'Zee' is a monster that must be put down
Well in the afrikaans and german language its pronounced as a zed sound
The British and Kangaroo people do it too
You americans always have to be the special one neh 😂
One one side, there are countries that use the metric system. On the other side, is the country that's put a man on the moon.
And invented the internet
And the car as we know it
And the plane
We still broke the enigma code that basically won ww2
Without US aid the Soviets would've crumpled and eventually the British.
Luckily im not a britbong
Going from 24% of the world to an island the size of Michigan
And i dislike the british just as much as you guys do so
There are countries who use metric, then there are countries who used metric to put people on the moon, and then later lost a 10 billion dollar mars rover because they forgot to use metric and tried to use imperial leading to the rovers lander altimeter failing and crashing
It’s zed
I lived in the states for a few years so now I sometimes say zee now and again
What site is that?
Fireforce Ventures, these popped up as 'coming soon'.
Those prices may be in Canadian Dollars
Pretty expensive
I got my m83 for 600 rand
They all are, no matter where you go. Might also check Kommandostore?
And they will be more expensive as they're not in SA
Helmet even less
FFV is Canadian, KS is American if I recall.
I was talking to a guy in SA about getting me a set of 80s gear, but due to SA's outrageous shipping costs that cost more than the items themselves that fell through on his request.
Varusteleka in finland also makes pat 83 knock offs
Wait they do? Are they relatively cheap? I don't care if they're knock-offs, they'd make good airsoft kit
Yeah from what ive heard they are pretty good
What are they called?
Just say varusteleka pattern 83 webbing
Hay everyone I am now a Humble Bundle Partner. So if you guys want to support charity and also support me use my link:
@Lieutenant Donk 32Bn?
You lucky bugger