Message from @Bartender
Discord ID: 630420173874135061
Takes a lot longer setting up blueprints
Okay set up the blueprints for the Samil 100
Got the hang of it now. But I must say I still prefer the old method
It was far quicker and less actions to do
@PetraCephas Do you know how to lower the opacity of the blueprint images like you could in 2.79? The white background is quite glaring. Anyway I've finally got a basic block out of the Samil 100. I'll do the soft skin variant first and then the Kwevoel
Or it was background image
not sure which one
Agh I'll figure it out soon. I wish Blender had been like this all along. It's painful having to completely relearn Blender 😰
Welp that's it for now. Going to take a break as my mind is fried 😉
I'll stick with 1.8 I just hope it gets easier sooner rather than later!
I also have to re-setup the blueprints for the Ratel, Eland, Casspir, Y2 MGL, Vektor R4 and more... Since all of them have lost their blueprint setups due to the switch to 1.8
eish.. maybe you should go back to using the previous version man..
No the new blender is way better @Springbok just have to get use to it
Nah 1.8 is better it's just I have to get used to it. And it's best I start now than later otherwise it's just kicking the can down the road @Bartender
Welcome to the server
Hello hello 🙌🏻
Love squad and can't wait for your mod boys <:SABWIcon:555822341947392011> goodluck
Thanks man, going to need all of that good luck wherever I can find it 😉
found them in a paratus magazine
Sweet thanks for sharing
Just hopping into Squad at the moment
What changed
Lets see how keen your eyes are. Guess how many parts have changed.
Do you play SQUAD Colonel?