Message from @Boomninja
Discord ID: 556510364574023732
I'm certain that would piss off a lot of players though if they shoot the rear cabin only for it to kill one troop and exit the other side
send a pick of engine in current state pls cant remember how it looks at the moment .... at least some should survive a mine though ... bit of a trade-off
Well it's pretty much a box at the moment
You can see parts of it in the Buffel image
open the original and zoom in
lolz. i remember a bit more than a box
Alright will do a render quick
will do so
Standard buffel is the open engine compartment
Rhino upgrade is the enclosed engine and better driver compartment
so rhino upgrade is the way to go
Ja but it wasn't standard in the war as per reference the majority of the Buffels had the exposed engine so that will be the more common variant in the mod
then i guess we'r running the basterds over
Engine looks like kak as you can see 😅 as it drove me on the verge of madness at the time so I never finished it. But will do so once I return to finish the Buffel
it looks good thb
Indeed either run them over or shoot them. That's how it was done back then and how it'll be done in SABW: Operation Savannah 😉
That mesh grid will have to become a texture as it would be a complete waste to have it as polygons
A texture with an alpha map applied
There is also the flatbed Buffel which I assume was used for logistics?
Mk2 is The moffel
Since having a roof is mof
I've never seen it used in the Border War though at least no images for reference.
It wasnt used
Was marketed for export
Think a couple were devved in the 80s
Makes sense then why I haven't seen any references of it over in Angola or SWA.
But by then the mamba was a thing anyway
You gonna dev the mamba lol
Ja was it used in the war?
US forces also used it as the Nyala. Never seen any pics of it in the Border War either