Message from @Boomninja
Discord ID: 556504160695091201
Trooper mod?
its arc trooper mod. its like the movie arc troopers
Never heard of it 😬
its shit thb
but the first time AI was put into squad
Ah ok. Oh it's that Sci Fi mod right?
movie was starship troopers i think [must have seen that] 🤖 cant remember if it was good though
yea thats the name i forgot it
they even had a sequel
Keen to see these two girls riding alongside each other in the bushveld soon.
just do it
that looks nice
The Buffel makes me cry though... Why... did they design her with an exposed engine... Modeling engines is not easy!
id believe that lol
In game, at the moment, it would be a promlem. I tnink it is the emrap, you can see the engine just in front of the suspension, and you can even use a knife to disable it
That's why in the mod I want players to be able to drive over enemies and kill them that way
As it was a tactic used in the Border War. Would be silly not to have that option to just squash any sneaky guys trying to do that.
That's a Rhino IIRC?
Or Moffel
@Kooijpolloi will probably know.
well doesnt matter cause they were fast af for troop deployment
The chances of getting up to a Buffel to stab its engine is unlikely unless the crew have the situational awareness equivalent to a sloth.
It is vulnerable to small arms fire though...
you could also decide how mush detail is needed 'in game', enough to be immersed, without impacting game performance ect...
I can see enemy players zoning in on the engine at least from certain angles. There is an armour plate covering the right side
Ja true. I will have to optimize the model a lot. The engine won't be as detailed as it is in reality. But the general shape will be as accurate as I can get it
As for RPG's they often caused through and through effects on the hull of the Buffel due to how thin the armour is
I'm certain that would piss off a lot of players though if they shoot the rear cabin only for it to kill one troop and exit the other side
send a pick of engine in current state pls cant remember how it looks at the moment .... at least some should survive a mine though ... bit of a trade-off
Well it's pretty much a box at the moment
You can see parts of it in the Buffel image
open the original and zoom in
lolz. i remember a bit more than a box
Alright will do a render quick