Message from @Springbok
Discord ID: 630339063429332992
agreed mate
Sorry guys just spamming with multi-color pics. I've always wanted this feature to come to Blender since seeing it in 3Ds Max.
It helps you visualize what parts are separate meshes
They've removed layers and replaced it with collections which I'll have to get used to... As the Ratel 90 turret was in a different layer. Now it's in a different collection. I assume I'll get used to it fairly quickly I hope!
So the Ratel 90 turret is in one of the greyed out collections but I have no idea how to get it to show.
And here is the fix for any object inside the collection that still is not showing up.
Hope it helps
Worth it
are youi planning on adding the antennas to the top of the turret
okay cool
i havent asked but are you planning on adding the olifant MBT ?
well the mk1 and 2
Yep Olifant will be modeled at some point both the Mk I and Mk II
Ratels will also have their respective Mk's right now I'm modeling the Mk I
ahh i cant wait
Same with the Casspir.
I'm looking forward to the ZT3 that'll be fun!
the ingwe missile ?
Will be the scariest thing on the battlefield as it cut through T-55's like nothing
Of course they'll only be on a few maps set in 1988
But the SANDF will have them on all maps
i wonder if the eland will be accurate on the battlefield seeing that they knocked out more powerfull t55s
Well I'll make sure they'll be able to take them out at close range from the rear and sides
Though one shot from a T-55 and you're cooking...
luckily the eland is fast and can manouvre quickly after firing
Yup but I have a feeling players are going to feel very vulnerable in them considering it can only stop up to 7.62x51 rounds anything above that goes through.
i believ the turret could stop a bit more
since the eland was our modification of the panhard EML
The mediocre performance of improvised tank destroyers at Cuvelai convinced Ep van Lill, commander of 61 Mechanised, that his men could no longer be asked to fight tanks with armoured cars. Van Lill informed General Viljoen that the Eland-90 simply could not stand up to the heavier protection and armament of T-54/55s. "Tank busting" expended too much 90mm ammunition and fatigued recoil systems. As demonstrated during Askari, crew morale was also affected when ordered to take on T-55s in their vulnerable vehicles. This contradicted South African Armoured Corps (SAAC) doctrine, which was to fight tanks with tanks.
A few weeks later, van Lill was vindicated when a squadron of British Centurions - modified in South Africa as the "Olifant Mk1" - were delivered to the 61 Mechanised base in Omuthiya. As Angola was not seen as a conventional threat to South West Africa itself, the retention of tanks in that territory was not regarded as cost-effective and Olifant crews frequently rotated out. During Operations Moduler, Hooper, and Packer, Ratel-90s were again used in the role of tank destroyers.
Task Force Victor's performance during Askari left much to be desired. At SADF review meetings, the reservists involved were bluntly criticised as "the worst battle group in 82 Mechanised Brigade". More attention was devoted to improving reservist leadership and morale. Also noted was the antiquity of the Eland, which was beginning to hinder operations. It was not deployed in Angola by the SADF again.
that i can believe
the eland was never meant to be a tank destroyer
After Op Askari there were no more Elands. So I'll have to make sure I don't put any in on the maps that take place after said operation