Message from @Springbok

Discord ID: 630322487695245332

2019-10-02 22:01:30 UTC  

Also will be purchasing Zbrush and a tablet to sculpt very soon. Zbrush is pretty much a requirement in order to sculpt the character models of the various factions.

2019-10-03 04:21:03 UTC  

Can i reccomend a huion tablet ? Its the best bang for buck tablets on the market now

2019-10-03 09:35:21 UTC  

@Bartender Sure I'll consider it.

2019-10-05 16:57:55 UTC  

Busy following tutorials on the new blender 2.8

Loving it already! 😱

2019-10-05 17:00:32 UTC  

Viewport shaders are better too.

2019-10-05 17:03:00 UTC  

oooh that looks sexy

2019-10-05 17:04:12 UTC  

Ja can't wait til I eventually get it into SQUAD

2019-10-05 17:04:29 UTC  

Going to be amazing ripping through SWAPO and FAPLA troops with the dual .50's

2019-10-05 17:05:23 UTC  

I'd also like hostile drive damage activated so you can drive over enemy troops and kill them that way. Of course as for friendlies its best just like it is now otherwise I can imagine tonnes of griefing going on.

2019-10-05 17:06:21 UTC  

I also photoshopped this kill of mine. Would be lekker if SQUAD had the same blood decals as Post Scriptum. I know they don't want to introduce dismemberment but some blood decals wouldn't hurt 😉

2019-10-05 17:27:36 UTC  

agreed mate

2019-10-05 17:52:20 UTC

2019-10-05 19:34:16 UTC  

Sorry guys just spamming with multi-color pics. I've always wanted this feature to come to Blender since seeing it in 3Ds Max.

2019-10-05 19:34:28 UTC  

It helps you visualize what parts are separate meshes

2019-10-05 19:34:48 UTC

2019-10-05 19:39:09 UTC  

They've removed layers and replaced it with collections which I'll have to get used to... As the Ratel 90 turret was in a different layer. Now it's in a different collection. I assume I'll get used to it fairly quickly I hope!

2019-10-05 19:44:36 UTC  

So the Ratel 90 turret is in one of the greyed out collections but I have no idea how to get it to show.

2019-10-06 03:51:51 UTC  

Two things. Here is the fix for the collection.

2019-10-06 03:52:35 UTC  

And here is the fix for any object inside the collection that still is not showing up.

2019-10-06 03:52:42 UTC  

Hope it helps

2019-10-06 08:36:31 UTC  

Thanks @PetraCephas it worked.

It'll take some getting used to though.

2019-10-06 08:37:17 UTC  

Worth it

2019-10-06 09:39:28 UTC  

are youi planning on adding the antennas to the top of the turret

2019-10-06 09:39:38 UTC  


2019-10-06 09:40:38 UTC  

okay cool

2019-10-06 09:41:00 UTC  

i havent asked but are you planning on adding the olifant MBT ?

2019-10-06 09:41:07 UTC  

well the mk1 and 2

2019-10-06 09:41:17 UTC  

Yep Olifant will be modeled at some point both the Mk I and Mk II

2019-10-06 09:41:54 UTC  

Ratels will also have their respective Mk's right now I'm modeling the Mk I

2019-10-06 09:41:56 UTC  

ahh i cant wait

2019-10-06 09:42:23 UTC  

So I'll be able to add the MK I to the earlier operations while the Mk II to later operations

2019-10-06 09:42:29 UTC  

Same with the Casspir.

2019-10-06 09:42:36 UTC  


2019-10-06 09:42:55 UTC  

I'm looking forward to the ZT3 that'll be fun!

2019-10-06 09:43:23 UTC  

the ingwe missile ?

2019-10-06 09:43:32 UTC  


2019-10-06 09:43:50 UTC  

Will be the scariest thing on the battlefield as it cut through T-55's like nothing

2019-10-06 09:44:19 UTC  

Of course they'll only be on a few maps set in 1988

2019-10-06 09:44:41 UTC  

But the SANDF will have them on all maps

2019-10-06 09:46:29 UTC  

i wonder if the eland will be accurate on the battlefield seeing that they knocked out more powerfull t55s

2019-10-06 09:47:18 UTC  

Well I'll make sure they'll be able to take them out at close range from the rear and sides