Message from @CarletonJ
Discord ID: 393958099737903105
If We Do Nothing by Jared Taylor
Archeofuturism by Guillaume Faye
The Fall of Western Man by Mark Collett
Making Europe Unconquorable by Gene Sharp
Homo Americanus by Tomislav Sunic
This book is full of observant, provocative, and punchy essays. I agree with nearly everything he says. I think he puts the burden of guilt on Christians too much in his essay Why Christianity Can’t Save Us but it’s still a thought provoking one. His essay, A White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans is brilliant and a great piece of literature to make your more rational normie-con buddies read. I’ll post it in <#393247992939020288>
@here If anyone can recommend works, especially modern ones, that examine monarchy, fascism, natsoc (if that's allowed), and democracy I'd really appreciate it. They can be critiques or advocations or just analysis. It's alright if they're from the 19th century or something. If you want you can send them to me via DM or post somewhere
@StrawberryArmada I know I’ve been Mosley-posting lately, but his autobiography, My Life, has a lot of great reflection on the greater Fascist movement
I believe I've read something by him like 100 points on fascism or something to that effect
But yes his autobiography will do well
I think it's called Fascism: 100 questions asked and answered
That’s one. He also wrote The Greater Britain which gives a pretty good outline.
For modern works, anything by Carl Schmitt is good if you want a critique of liberalism and parliamentary democracy from a pro-authoritarian, fascistic point of view. I'd recommend Concept of the Political, it's short and persuasive. Overnight I became more or less a fascist.
I second the Carl Schmitt recommendation. *Concept of the Political* is definitely one of the most essential works of political philosophy
@StrawberryArmada Lightning and the Sun but that may be too esoteric. And obviously Doctrine of Fascism by Il Duce
This text contains what exist of Cicero's *On The Commonwealth* a work that was highly influential on classical republicanism. This is Rousseau's *The Social Contract*
@Tron I just started digging into details of Mosley within the last couple of days. Have you seen ( I know TV is not the same as a book ) the David Frost interview of him?
@Deleted User Depends on what you’d like to know. I like starting from a figure’s point of view, so I’d read his books The Greater Britain and My Life (autobiography). A really well detailed biography of him is called Blackshirt, but Stephen Dorril, the author pulls the whole “muh racist bigot” pretty often. If you’re used to digging through bs it’s a good read though