Message from @Spastic
Discord ID: 495207221865611274
@Alexander The Great#8389 ?
Seen, good meme
That flag was influenced by christianity so should probably be re-done.
That looks awful
o lol hey spastic, hows life
Well that flag is just bad imo
@killie_cowboy Are you seriously suggesting to throw out the flag my blood fighted for? You make me want to put your head on a spike.
Go larp on different server.
@balticnapo Are you a christcuck?
I'm not even finnish, its just a suggestion.
It's a bad suggestion
A horrible looking flag
ok. its your country
@killie_cowboy No? Are you one entitled little fag on the web who thinks he is superior since he has an avatar of an old reich official which you found browsing on 9gag?
loosen up dude lmao @balticnapo
@Deleted User How can a person be so dense that your thoughts are so generic that it is like reading a book?
>hurrdurr ur christcuck
>I'm WOKE guys
>Look at my edgy pics I found on 9gag, ain't I cool?
I swear to god that this nigger dropped out from high school, has no job and hasen't served in the army while living of his parents fat paychecks while getting that monthly welfare.
+ Your parents are divorced
Christianity based
Based kikes
@balticnapo lmao shut up, bitchass