
Discord ID: 470262294958571520

77 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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2018-09-01 22:40:44 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

2018-09-01 22:41:12 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

good evening

2018-09-01 22:41:30 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-01 22:41:38 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

damn these are some good ass emojis

2018-09-01 22:44:59 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

hey what do you think about the Ustaลกe

2018-09-01 22:47:41 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

oo pozdrav boลกnjaฤe

2018-09-01 23:04:10 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

interesting stuff

2018-09-01 23:07:09 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]

2018-09-01 23:29:15 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

hahahah too

2018-09-01 23:29:29 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

odakle si

2018-09-01 23:39:32 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  


2018-09-02 00:01:27 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-02 19:55:11 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-04 14:28:51 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

uhh so should we exit or smth

2018-09-04 17:39:45 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

yeah barely anyone talks here

2018-09-06 08:49:54 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

very true

2018-09-06 19:39:24 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-06 20:18:54 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I know Shapiro is

2018-09-07 09:44:59 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Yo have many Croatians are here

2018-09-07 12:23:15 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-07 12:36:22 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

<:heil:449290177316388874> for our new comrade

2018-09-07 12:37:05 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

no comrade is an universal word

2018-09-07 12:37:16 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

shut up fake nazi

2018-09-07 12:37:47 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

if you watched any of his speeches he talks to the audience as comrades

2018-09-07 12:38:06 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

then it's kameraden

2018-09-07 14:01:47 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  


2018-09-07 14:02:03 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

they're the most useless fucking thing on the political spectrum

2018-09-07 14:54:51 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-07 15:03:42 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

meanwhile ottomans forced people to convert or they would take their children for army and pay less taxes

2018-09-07 15:03:50 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-07 15:04:10 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-07 15:04:16 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

that happened in bosnia

2018-09-07 15:04:26 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

it's the sole reason why they're muslim now

2018-09-07 15:04:52 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

if they didn't convert now we would have a clean border between croats and serbs

2018-09-07 15:14:56 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-07 19:22:52 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

well no

2018-09-07 19:23:28 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

mostly the problems were caused because there was lack of resources for the war machine

2018-09-07 21:39:48 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-07 21:40:04 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I'm glad the nationalists are revolting in Germany

2018-09-07 23:27:34 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

probably some lib left cunt thinking he can fool everyone ugh

2018-09-08 00:34:47 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-08 00:57:12 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-08 13:30:49 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-08 13:38:22 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-08 16:20:38 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

<:adolflol:449290174082318339> <:gas:449290175034556437>

2018-09-08 19:48:55 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

it's a piece of crap that needs to be beaten and beaten

2018-09-08 19:54:48 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-08 20:49:43 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-09 14:05:38 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Hey people I'd like to hear your opinion on the BUF

2018-09-09 14:42:34 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-09 16:41:35 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-15 15:22:29 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-24 16:47:53 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-24 16:47:56 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-09-24 17:03:57 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

this is absolutely disgusting

2018-09-26 04:54:32 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  


2018-09-29 07:18:36 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

damn that last line

2018-10-01 18:05:44 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

what's wrong with catholics

2018-10-01 18:14:57 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I mean you don't need to force that peaceful and equal bullshit

2018-10-01 18:15:16 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

of course a jew or a nigger is less worthy

2018-10-01 18:51:10 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-10-01 18:51:21 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I agree with you on that one

2018-10-02 12:34:48 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

pretty much

2018-10-07 16:55:30 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I would slap him if I was you at that moment

2018-10-09 04:49:14 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Jewish sexologist? <:gas:449290175034556437>

2018-10-11 17:38:18 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

What do you think about Strasserism?

2018-10-11 19:15:34 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-10-11 19:16:24 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I am just curious to see what have other people made from National Socialism, for example Strasserism which is bullshit, but it's interesting how it formed out of National Socialism

2018-10-11 20:43:30 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-10-11 20:43:47 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

it is intriguing to me how people try to change what isn't broken

2018-10-11 20:43:58 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

what is practically the best solution

2018-10-12 14:59:31 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  


2018-10-14 13:20:13 UTC [Nordic Frontier #deep-discussion]  

rakija is what keeps old men alive

2018-10-14 13:20:54 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

yes, send them here so they get completely destroyed

2018-10-14 19:03:30 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Rommel has to be one of my favourite historical figures ever

2018-10-19 05:25:45 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  


2018-11-07 11:53:37 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

<:thistbh:449290177752334356> <:heil:449290177316388874>

77 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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