
Discord ID: 417903969264730124

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2018-05-23 19:15:04 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

2018-05-23 19:16:32 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Nice server

2018-05-23 19:31:16 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]

2018-05-23 19:42:14 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]

2018-05-23 19:45:55 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Deactivate your windows

2018-05-23 19:49:15 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Fucking sickening

2018-05-24 11:35:31 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

ES is trash

2018-05-24 19:07:37 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Jews can go to Siberia

2018-05-24 19:07:43 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

They'll die there

2018-05-24 19:31:08 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

Well the oldschool ones were fine since they killed niggers

2018-05-24 20:20:50 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-05-24 20:21:00 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Vex the mex

2018-05-24 20:21:23 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Vex is a faggot honestly

2018-05-24 20:34:31 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

AWD is a satanic cult at this point

2018-05-24 20:40:32 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Spastic is a british term for retard too

2018-05-24 20:41:38 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-05-24 20:42:39 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

That pic is pretty much what I look like 90% of time

2018-05-24 20:42:46 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Kinda why I chose it

2018-05-24 21:27:05 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

This tbh

2018-05-24 21:28:32 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Estonia has too many Russians

2018-05-24 21:28:41 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

They need some ethnic cleansing

2018-05-24 21:29:56 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I hate how Finns are supposed to know swedish just because 4% of the population have it as their native language

2018-05-24 21:30:09 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Yet that 4% still knows Finnish

2018-05-24 21:30:15 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Great logic by the government

2018-05-24 21:30:50 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Russians need to be exterminated honestly

2018-05-24 21:31:21 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

How much is a bit

2018-05-24 21:31:46 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Yeah that's fine

2018-05-24 21:32:26 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Swedish imperialism was bad for Finland

2018-05-24 21:32:33 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

We got christianized by you guys

2018-05-24 21:32:57 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Not all

2018-05-24 21:33:05 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Mainly the elite

2018-05-24 21:33:22 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I'd get rid of poles honestly

2018-05-24 21:33:30 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

But that's a waste of time

2018-05-24 21:35:04 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

That's kind of mean to tag vipr but not me

2018-05-24 21:35:22 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-05-25 10:17:39 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Amazing argument

2018-05-25 11:04:49 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

That's gay

2018-05-25 11:10:58 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I don't get why you'd move to France

2018-05-25 12:11:54 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

I'm only interested in his permaculture videos

2018-05-25 12:50:51 UTC [Nordic Frontier #deep-discussion]  

Completely fucked

2018-05-25 12:55:10 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

A lower level of output isn't too bad really

2018-05-25 13:31:54 UTC [Nordic Frontier #deep-discussion]  

There must be a lot of balkanization

2018-05-27 16:11:35 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Only my third name comes from hebrew

2018-06-01 12:01:23 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Multiculturalism = one degenerated culture

2018-06-01 12:24:51 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

If you're not blind, you'll know that "diversity" is bad

2018-06-01 12:53:37 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Gas the asians

2018-06-02 17:50:28 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Karelia is rightfully Finnish

2018-06-02 17:59:16 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Sorry but USA is lost

2018-06-02 18:00:57 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Yeah but most of them are degenerates and mutts

2018-06-02 18:02:21 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Degenerated yes

2018-06-02 18:02:24 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

But not mutts

2018-06-02 18:02:39 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

The problem with the US is that it's literally just a melting pot

2018-06-04 21:21:37 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Splitting it to two won't be enough

2018-06-05 17:14:24 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

The US skinheads are degenerate scum

2018-06-05 19:46:59 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Good for you

2018-06-05 19:48:22 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

What do you mean by "dress nice"

2018-06-05 19:49:49 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

And by that you mean?

2018-06-06 20:22:30 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Let's do the same to Russian monuments

2018-06-06 20:22:37 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Without crying to Putin

2018-06-19 14:33:34 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  


2018-06-19 14:33:54 UTC [Nordic Frontier #shitposting]  

A whale is questioning if humans are people at all

2018-06-23 19:07:36 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Why would you buy discord nitro?

2018-06-23 19:09:09 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Wasting money on that is pointless

2018-06-23 19:09:38 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Oh wow

2018-06-23 19:09:58 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Nice insults really

2018-06-23 19:58:55 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Lmao did he just leave

2018-06-23 20:43:45 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Top tier autism

2018-06-25 13:40:55 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

How are we supposed to be afraid of people like that?

2018-06-25 13:41:06 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

How delusional are they honestly

2018-06-25 13:47:08 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

What, are they gonna inject us with their blood or something?

2018-06-25 13:47:32 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

That's actually slightly worrying

2018-06-25 13:47:46 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

If they start throwing needles at us

2018-06-25 13:48:55 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Well they're not here, are they now?

2018-06-25 13:49:45 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Well true

2018-06-25 13:49:54 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Discord could just be sending this to them

2018-06-25 13:50:35 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

We should start a "save the mosquitos" thing

2018-06-25 13:50:47 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

To prevent mosquitos from getting aids

2018-06-25 13:51:40 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Well yeah, but some birds eat them

2018-06-25 13:51:44 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

And fish I think

2018-06-25 13:52:20 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-06-25 13:52:31 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

It could spread to birds from the fish too

2018-06-25 13:52:34 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

And people

2018-06-25 13:52:43 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

And bears

2018-06-25 13:52:55 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Almost anything really

2018-06-25 13:53:12 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Anything with blood

2018-06-25 13:54:56 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

"Help save the animals - stop faggotry today"

2018-07-01 08:16:16 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Rope the gypsies

2018-07-05 11:51:43 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-07-05 11:51:57 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Threathening in discord

2018-07-05 20:28:28 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Steal stolen iPhones

2018-07-05 20:31:25 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Scam rich people

2018-07-10 09:19:59 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

"Jews are arming people who hate jews"

2018-07-10 09:26:10 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-07-10 09:26:25 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

They literally said that in the article

2018-07-21 19:48:26 UTC [Nordic Frontier #news-tips]  

It's like anuddah shoah!

2018-07-21 19:48:38 UTC [Nordic Frontier #news-tips]  


2018-07-24 09:47:58 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

>implying Congo exists

2018-07-25 08:42:19 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  


2018-07-25 08:53:23 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Tbh that stuff is a meme

2018-07-25 08:53:48 UTC [Nordic Frontier #general]  

Burgers are a meme in themselves

232 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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