Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 525074344825585670
Search books on nationalism on google
Loads of books by famous political scientists and historians come up.
Mein kampf
Patriotism is loyalty to the cultural foundations of the society in which that particular state exists
đđ» <:swas:449290177333035028>
@Deleted User Are you estonian?
@killie_cowboy Dane.
âIf anyone should try to improve us with nonsense about putting on airs of moral superiority for appearanceâs sake or showy-idealism because it is what they think other people believe we should do, there can only be one answer: Any question of destiny that is as important as a peopleâs struggle to survive immediately disposes of any duty to demonstrate âproperâ appearances or to be concerned in any way with how we appear to outsiders. The least beautiful thing that can exist in human life is the yoke of slavery. Or do these touchy-feely people find the present lot of the German nation only an appearance to be viewed by others? We have no need to discuss the matter with the Jews. They are the inventors of this perfume of civilization which makes people more concerned with appearances than with survival. Their whole existence is a denial of the beauty of Godâs creation.â - Adolf Hitler
I felt like the part about climate change on last night's show had some mistakes, so I figured I'd type this out it contains some very basic info, not to sound condescending but because I want people who have no understanding of physical geography to be able to understand it as well. First of all, it's entirely true that the sun has an influence on the temperature on earth to deny that would be madness. The earth is a system, and a part of that system regulates temperature. Roughly how that goes is that the sun shines on it, some of that light turns into heat, some is reflected and some of that reflected light gets reflected back due to the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. Many of these gasses are carbon based (although water is the most important, but I'll get to that later.) These carbon based greenhouse gasses(like methane and carbon dioxide) are part of a cycle. This means that the amount of carbon is always the same, it's just present in different forms. If we simplify this cycle, we can discern a long and a short cycle. Essentially how these work is: carbon in the air is put into organic matter by plants, these plants partially get eaten by animals, so the carbon stored ends up in all biomass we have. A lot of this biomass will be converted back into a gas form of carbon, then get stored in biomass again, and so on. This is the short cycle. The use of wood to heat homes draws from this cycle for example. This isn't necessarily all that stimulating for the greenhouse effect because a tree will grow back in a relatively short timespan, storing the same amount of carbon that was used to heat the home earlier. The long cycle is a different story however. A very small part of the biomass is converted into fossil fuels, like oil or coal. These fossil fuels then get stored in the earth's crust. I haven't had geography for ages so I'm not entirely sure how this works for land plates, but the tectonic plates eventually melt. With sea plates this is because they
slide under land plates. Here all this stored carbon is released, which then makes it's way up and is released through volcanic eruptions. These plates move around 10 centimeters a year, and they have to descent deep into the earth to melt. This means it takes a long time for this carbon to be released into the air again. When we take carbon from this long cycle, we release it into the air, which will be compensated for by a lack of carbon in vulcanic eruptions, but it will take trillions of years for this to happen. All this time there will be more carbon in the air because it's not compensated for. Of course this could be compensated for by increased plant life and other biomass. I don't know if this could actually happen light might be the limiting factor, but I know it WON'T happen for another reason. Namely humans destroying forests and other carbon storing natural environments in order to support their overpopulation. I'll get back to that later, but for now, back to the sun. Obviously, if there is more light coming in, the temperature on earth will increase, after all the sun is the main driving factor in this system. However, based on the intensity of the sun experienced here on earth, the globe should be cooling right now [see figure 1]. Now, as for what this means for us and our long nosed friends, it's not at all in their favour even if they try to use it as they always do. First of all, the example of cutting down forests to build a wind farm is absolutely 100% retarded. The forests store carbon, and we cannot build enough windmills to support our energy demand. We don't have the space, we don't have the materials and we don't have the money, yet we're still destroying nature to build the things, probably because certain people want to profit from it. There is a clean, sustainable, relatively safe and far less space consuming energy source, namely nuclear fission. I know it's
a wikipedia page and isn't really a good source, but you should read this While Uranium reactors can cause pretty big disasters, they're safer than any other source of energy, and should we get Thorium reactors working we'd have perfectly clean energy for as long as necessary to find a renewable energy source that doesn't require us to destroy all of nature in the process of 'saving' it. Why don't Jews capitalize on this? I don't actually know, I guess it's cause it's not as expensive so less money can be made from it. As for fuel taxes, yes they'd still be a good thing. People don't like them, partly because of the situation in France. Ask yourself this though: If Macron cared about the environment, and knew how bad the situation was, how come he didn't use those taxes to subsidize electric cars and trucks/biofuel/increased bicycle use? Why did the money go to immigration and his wealthy friends? Did he really care about the effect the tax would have on the environment, or did he just need an excuse to tax people? As for overpopulation, it's a problem. You often hear people say you shouldn't get kids because it's bad for the environment. That's bullshit. If you don't get kids, they'll import kids from elsewhere to replace them. People from third world countries are having ridiculous amounts of kids. This is often defended with the arguments that they don't know how many will make it. This is bullshit, I don't feel like looking up the source right now but it has been shown that if they get 2-3 kids, they almost always make it, while if they get more a lot more of them will die. Of course they try to fix this problem of children dying by sending food, which is completely retarded from an ecological perspective. Less children will die in this generation, the population will increase, more nature gets destroyed, more carbon gets emitted, but they'll just go on getting over 10 fucking kids untill that food aid isn't
enough anymore and there's even more starving kids. The same thing goes for the not eating meat bullshit. It's true, meat production requires more agricultural land. But what do you think they'll do with that extra land that they freed up? Let the forests grow back? No they won't. They'll use it to produce more food for the third world so overpopulation gets even worse. If our governments cared about the environment, they'd immediately cut all foreign aid to countries that do not take measures to decrease emissions from fossil fuels and control their population, and put use sanctions against countries like the US and China, but they fucking don't because all they care about is that comfy position they're going to get at a bank when their term is over and they've pleased the right people.
that's actually a lot longer than I thought it would be
it's like 5 lines in notepad
I feel like the discord format encourages absolutely tiny posts, everything looks like a book.
I just watched Blackklansman
Absolutely disgusting take on us white nationalists
Just because we hate niggers doesnât mean we kill emâ
Though Iâd like to
Yes. Just because we're nationalists doesn't mean we wanna gut niggers and Jews.
In Minecraft
"White Guilt" is the "German War Guilt" of our era
------------- "The Marxists had worked their destruction, and the enemy propaganda poisoned our people beyond the reach of reason. We were not even allowed to complain about this disgrace openly. Who were we âlittleâ Germans to complain about anything when there was such immeasurable guilt on the other side!"
------------- "What had the privileged-class done to stop this dreadful collapse, to oppose it, and to clear the path for truth by better and more complete understanding? Nothing and nothing! In those days, the great racialist apostles, which we see all around today, were nowhere to be seen. They may have been talking in clubs or at tea parties among their own like-minded circles, but they never ventured among the wolves where they should have been. The only time they were with the wolves was when they had an opportunity to howl with them."
------------- "Even then I always advocated making a stand against misguided public attitudes, regardless of whether it was popular at the time or even if it generated hatred; I was ready to start the battle. The NSDAP must not be a follower of public opinion, but must become the master of public opinion. It must not be the massesâ servant, but their lord. When a movement is still weak, there is naturally a great temptation to follow the crowd and join in
Finnarnes Àldsta skaldekonst var troligtvis en
natur-poesie, hvilken mÄlade gudarnes ursprung [2] och
deras strider med de rÄa naturmagterna [3], verldens
skapelse [4] samt det underbara pÄ jorden och i dess
dolda krafter; sednare inflÀtade sig vÀl Àfven
historiska minnen. FrÄn Äldriga tider röjer man i
densamma en egen riktning till det mörka och hemska,
och i alla nordens gamla sagor Àro Finnarne
beryktade sÄsom trollkarlar, stÄende i förbund med
underjordens andar. Det kalla och hÄrda luftstreck,
emot hvilket de, oafbrutet drifne lÀngre emot norden,
stÀndigt hade att kÀmpa, synes Ànnu mera hafva
utvecklat de anlag för det dystra, hvilket, sÄsom ett
utmÀrkande drag i nationallynnet, genomljuder deras
Àldsta sÄnger. Fortfarande anföllos de Àfven utaf
öfverlÀgsna yttre fiender, och sÄ mycket snarare
föranleddes de dÄ att söka besegra dem med dolda och
öfvernaturliga medel. Der ej vapnen förslogo, skulle
magiska konster ersÀtta den bristande styrkan.
Och slutligen uppstod för dem en helig strid, försvaret för
den gamla gudalÀran, emot den af Svenskarne med
vÄld pÄtrugade kristendomen. Nu synas de hemska
magterna hafva uppbjudit sina sidsta krafter, och i djupa
skogar och otillgÀngliga hÄlor, utbildade sig den
engÄng tagne riktningen, isynnerhet sÄsom vÀrn emot
fredsförstörarne, ehuru ock tillika för andra underordnade
ÀndamÄl. Men den nya lÀran segrade, och dess
heliga namn blefvo bland folket bekanta och allmÀnna.
Man föll smÄningom pÄ den tanken, att anropade
fremmande gudamagterna, dÄ de inhemska sveko i sitt
bistÄnd. SÄlunda sammangyttrade sig uti trollsÄngerna,
under Ärens följd, kristna och hedniska begrepp och
Äsigter; och nu antrÀffar man i dem Jesus och
Maria, jemte St. Peter och andra katholska helgon, i
den vidunderligaste förening med Kawe, WÀinÀmöinen,
Ilmarinen, Hiisi, Launawatar, m. fl. â PĂ„ detta
sÀtt tyckes, för att döma efter de lemningar vi hafva
af Àldre Finska diktningar, deras ursprung sannolikast
kunna förklaras, Àfvensom det alldeles egna
skaplynne de antagit. Sinnet och kÀnslan fattas
ovilkorligen af en viss dyster hemskhet, dÄ man lÀser eller
Ähör dessa sÄnger, hvilka i ett rysligt alfvar leka med
underjordens magter och naturens dolda krafter,
sÄsom med befryndade sjÀlar eller förtrogne vÀnner.
Ancient Rome and The Hyperborean Ideal, written by yours truly (awhiteguy)
I believe that in all of Western History the greatest class of Aryans to ever live were the Ancient Romans (Ancient Rome ended with the conclusion of the Second Punic War, 201 BC, after which Rome was the undisputed and lone superpower of their time and their immense success began to breed hedonism, materialism, and weakness). Second being the Ancient Spartans, and third being the Waffen-SS and SS in general, who rekindled the greatness of Hyperborea in our modern age to a greater extant than any other class of Aryans.
Martial, Religious, Honest, Spartan in their lifestyle (requiring nothing but their Gods, Family, and State to be content), faithful and loyal to their spouses, family, and comrades, and a zealous obedience to and worshipping of their state that those of us born in this later and weaker age cannot hope to match. Even the very best of us are a mere spark when compared to the all consuming inferno that were the Ancient Romans.
Their greatness can be attested to by the fact that Roman Civilization more than any other singular European Civilization, contributed to the pantheon of greatness that is, or rather was, and could be once again, Western Civilization. Our legal vocabulary is almost a Latin dictionary, our scientific vocabulary *is* a Latin dictionary. Senates, systems of governance, and so much more can be traced directly to Rome. Also of course it is from Rome whence comes our Roman Salute (also perhaps being an Ancient even primordial Germanic Salute predating Rome, approaching a stranger with right arm out and hand open, displaying a bare palm to show you come without a weapon and in peace) as well as the etymology of our beloved Fascism, the Fasces being the symbol and physical embodiment of state power and Imperium in Roman Civilization. Fascism of course being eternal truth supercedes not only Rome but also precedes Time itself, but it is from Rome that we were able to name and define this all-encompassing worldview, it is from the Heir of Rome, Benito Mussolini, IL DUCE that this worldview was first formally named and codified. One of our greatest philosophers in the highest sense of the word, not in the lower sense of thinking for the mere action of thinking without having any effect on the human experience and struggle, was also inspired by the Hyperborean Ideal of Ancient Rome and sought to bring about a renaissance of these ideals: Baron Julius Evola.