Message from @maddenjohn40
Discord ID: 491667018362126339
and 50-60 years later another bunch of right wing retards jump up, doing the same thing the right wingers in his time
it doesn't fucking work
rockwell also said stick together and stop infighting
I don't count shitting on retarded right wingers as infighting
Rockwell would never stick around with conservatives
He hated them with a passion
"To hell with the right wing"
As he rightfully said
afs arent conservaties
i said nationalists
afs are etnonationalists
they appeal to retards who can't open their eyes enough to accept NMR
Zero tolerance for the alt-kike
gotta have good optics or the normies will get spooked
Supporter of afs is possible support member for nrm. If this person will just hold on and dive deeper, person will find the truth
Most of the people won't go full radical in one night
How did you all get into national socialism
@maddenjohn40 maddenjohn(02)
You are 16?
I got red pilled on 9/11 when I was 10 years old and watched "loose change" by Dylan Avery, there are better docs on 9/11 but not out at the time. I went deep into all *conspiracies* By the time I was 13-14 I was jewish aware.
National Socialism is the end path for all Europeans seeking truth
Har du ansökt om medlemskap då? @maddenjohn40
I just turned 20 this month, been Nat soc probably 3 or 4 years
I grew up in a pro SD family, then i found William Pierce's videos on youtube and got woke
To sum it up
my mom is socdem, my dad is boomer racist, I got woke when I started looking into what's going on in Europe, from there it was a slippery slope to alt-right, to national socialism because of the aesthetics to EH cultist National Socialism
>NS because aesthetics
I watched the golden one when he still promoted TGSNT so i watched that and realised the golden one is a fag lover
Oh you mean that's what at first got you attracted to it
@Deleted User I was pretty alt-right but liked the "f*shy" stuff
then I started reading IM materials, Mein Kampf etc
Since you yourself got here through the alt right pipeline let's not get crazy and say everybody but NRM is controlled op, alt right is a stepping stone to final, eternal, and natural truth and order