Message from @maddenjohn40
Discord ID: 491664101118967808
thats not a good way to look at it
why not
then nationalists like afs or freelance people are "controlled op" and "enemies"
AfS is controlled op lmao
they refuse to name the jew
discard as trash and move on
theres literally no jew in their party or globalist agenda in their party agenda
dont see them as a problem
it's still not national socialism, it's some alt-right tier bullshit
all or nothing
Afs is alt-right faggotry
we don't dabble with "oh they're not that bad"
so what, as long as it helps the goal of a white sweden
how does it help?
they're only pretending to help
It doesn't help
jesus fuck Rockwell went over all of this
and 50-60 years later another bunch of right wing retards jump up, doing the same thing the right wingers in his time
it doesn't fucking work
I don't count shitting on retarded right wingers as infighting
Rockwell would never stick around with conservatives
He hated them with a passion
"To hell with the right wing"
As he rightfully said
afs arent conservaties
i said nationalists
afs are etnonationalists
they appeal to retards who can't open their eyes enough to accept NMR
Zero tolerance for the alt-kike
gotta have good optics or the normies will get spooked
Supporter of afs is possible support member for nrm. If this person will just hold on and dive deeper, person will find the truth
Most of the people won't go full radical in one night
nibba i voted nmr in the election
How did you all get into national socialism
@maddenjohn40 maddenjohn(02)