Message from @DacianFalxman
Discord ID: 528536260776558593
We should keep him as a pet autist
Our pet autist left
I think he got mad that no one was giving him attention
typical of pet autists, isnt it
He was banned
"Pet autist" 😂 😂 😂 😂
Hello Cold place people
grug like cold place tribe
cold place tribe fight big nose tribe
Blue eye tribe*
What is the flag between the Irish and Breton one?
@DacianFalxman Galicia
Wasn't that in Poland?
Celtic things there are all but dead now sadly
The language has also been lost to time
Happy new year everyone.
Happy new year from Bulgaria and total sieg Heil
Happy new year
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Happy new year
Is it NF day today?
But why?
Excellent show as always