Message from @MHAF1234 aka Bob the Builder
Discord ID: 529516095774916609
Blue eye tribe*
What is the flag between the Irish and Breton one?
@DacianFalxman Galicia
Wasn't that in Poland?
Celtic things there are all but dead now sadly
The language has also been lost to time
Ah there are two Galicias
Happy new year everyone.
Happy new year from Bulgaria and total sieg Heil
Happy new year
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Is it NF day today?
But why?
Excellent show as always
TFW your country is the testing ground for globalist Jewry
This is a good event believe it or not.
Anything to stoke the fire.
And when is there is rigorous "anti-Islamophobia" legislation
The quicker Canada collapses, and the rest of the west, the better.
Guess I'll just enjoy the ride
I'm just waiting for the government to outlaw being white since every job I try to apply to has some sort of diversity hiring initiative going