Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 342145856075726860
cant wait to listen
Anyone have a link to that Asian guy telling whites to be more racist when accused of being racist? He does the Roman salute
I know what video you're talking about but I can't find it
The one dressed like a woman?
He's sitting in a chair
US gun law (and ATF regulations) can get fairly Byzantine real quick
But black firearms are completely unregulated
There's also a category for 'curios and relics' which is anything made before... damn 1890 or something. Which includes very early Mausers.
You can make your own firearms as long as you don't sell/transfer them.
If you do, then you become a dealer, and dealing w/out a license is a federal offense
The race war shall be won by muskets
Buck n ball ain't no joke
But an 80% upper receiver isn't a firearm...
Using Kentucky Long Rifles is implicitly American
@Thomas Ryan Kentucky long rifle > musket 😉
and you'd probably be within 50 yards of hitting your target with one too
@Azzmador Best I could do, fam
@Thomas Ryan That's great! looks like I will actually be speaking there now.
I would never recommend being abrasive and shouting at everyone all the time to anyone, but it seems to work for me lol
Varg makes a lot of retarded shit but I agree with this
@everyone vote in this poll. It goes straight to the event organizer.
I can't work here anymore lol these customers they are so stupid I'm surprised they can breathe without a Machine
I mean damn it's bad
Almost this stupid
Mechanic but I do everything from fabrication To welding frames
But I work for a dodge /Chrysler/fiat/jeep dealership
And the customers in this are are just retarded
It's really just a small pisshole dealership compared to others
Hey anybody got updates for unite the right? I'm definitly attending
@Kevin FL mechanic here as well. Worked for Mercedes-Benz and then Chevrolet. Currently working at the McDonald's of car garages.
I love welding, I hope to buy a little shop welder one day.
"Of course, travelers can expect the usuals that come with flying on a low-cost carrier—yes, we're talking (((fees))). Case in point, when flying across the Atlantic with Primera in "light" economy, it will cost you $45 if you want to pick your seat (more if you decide to sit in an exit row), $40 for a standard chicken meal (and $70 if you want the premium food option), and $45 one-way to check a bag. Like with many budget carriers, by the time you crunch the numbers, it may be cheaper to fly a major airline."