Message from @armistice1789
Discord ID: 342119542597746689
Insane, how big have they gotten?
I remember when it was one guy and an idea
People like the message
And they're tired of getting it from all sides every day
I can imagine, in the UK they have it in their face every day
here in the USA people can live cushioned lives. We arent getting invaded
It won't be long before people start getting fed up
If you look at history every civilization has fallen at one point or another usually because things got so bad or someone came and took over regardless it's happening again
Thomas has the right idea
You need to suck the fun out of everything so that no one has a choice to be an apathetic couch potato
Things like TV cell phones, apps , video games ect are all morphine for that problem they keep people quiet and content when people start to question they scream oppression or holohoax
Then people will find the will and desire to fight
That's why I'm making these packets to piss people off and wake them up
It's ugly but I've met people who's entire life revolves around for example football, all they do talk and breath is about some overpaid niggers
But the end result is they have the glasses on that's all they see
Fun promotes White Genocide
@everyone I'd like to thank @Thomas Ryan for coming on The Krypto Report and making a stellar guest appearance! Show posts tomorrow on
Degenerate acts do such as excessive drinking,night clubs things like that
Can't wait!
I'm hype
Anyone have a link to that Asian guy telling whites to be more racist when accused of being racist? He does the Roman salute
I know what video you're talking about but I can't find it
The one dressed like a woman?
He's sitting in a chair
No longer relevant, but posting anyways.
US gun law (and ATF regulations) can get fairly Byzantine real quick
But black firearms are completely unregulated
There's also a category for 'curios and relics' which is anything made before... damn 1890 or something. Which includes very early Mausers.
You can make your own firearms as long as you don't sell/transfer them.
If you do, then you become a dealer, and dealing w/out a license is a federal offense
The race war shall be won by muskets
Buck n ball ain't no joke
But an 80% upper receiver isn't a firearm...
Using Kentucky Long Rifles is implicitly American
@Thomas Ryan Kentucky long rifle > musket 😉
and you'd probably be within 50 yards of hitting your target with one too