Message from @Rev

Discord ID: 811618721651097640

2021-02-16 21:16:21 UTC  

how again does nuclear not work in snow?

2021-02-16 21:27:11 UTC  

i guess somebody took a class in social science for green nuke energy

2021-02-16 21:28:35 UTC  

not many people even follow the 6ft thing in stores. At stores it looked like Covid doesn't exist lol

2021-02-16 21:53:25 UTC  

everything is bigger in Texas, but apparently not their electrical infrastructure...

2021-02-16 21:56:03 UTC  

the size of Texas isn't the biggest state either

2021-02-16 21:57:28 UTC  

alaska is

2021-02-16 22:31:55 UTC  

Yeah it’s all the huge wind turbines that froze

2021-02-17 02:45:07 UTC  


2021-02-17 05:01:26 UTC  

White supremacy is a joke these days...

2021-02-17 09:58:49 UTC  

No, its just a scapegoat. Much like when a girl does something that would get a guy in trouble with the law, she cries and such and suddenly people are sympathetic because "She is just a poor girl, she is the real victim."

2021-02-17 09:59:14 UTC  

Victim culture

2021-02-17 13:46:38 UTC  

Article removed

2021-02-17 13:47:00 UTC  

Thankfully I live close enough to STP that losing power wasn’t likely

2021-02-17 13:47:09 UTC  

Unless lines got borked

2021-02-17 14:30:21 UTC  

Article hasent been removed for me

2021-02-17 15:23:02 UTC  

Yeah I probably just had poor connection when I tried it

2021-02-17 16:57:07 UTC  

this one works

2021-02-17 16:59:17 UTC  

the wind generator has the brakes on, it can still operate with even that much snow on it's blades

2021-02-17 19:33:36 UTC  


2021-02-17 19:33:51 UTC  

RIP my brother

2021-02-17 22:04:04 UTC  


2021-02-17 23:20:10 UTC  

And Twitter mocks his death

2021-02-17 23:20:16 UTC  


2021-02-17 23:20:27 UTC  

Can we have any Empathy.

2021-02-17 23:25:21 UTC  

Unity my ass, they can’t even show normal human decency.

2021-02-17 23:42:25 UTC  

It only shows how disgusting they are
Few republicans cheered over RBG’s death, mocked it, or disrespected her death for days following it. Some did, but most didn’t, and those who did I looked down upon because I think death is a tragedy in almost all scenarios (unless you’re a terrorist, murderer or child predator, then I will cheer all day)
Twitter can’t even wait one day to start cheering.

2021-02-17 23:44:55 UTC  

RBG did support murder

2021-02-18 00:02:44 UTC  

everybody keeps forgetting rbg was a sc justice...a constitutional justice...can only swear to the constitution and abide by it

2021-02-18 00:04:00 UTC  

most 'laws' are not constitutional laws ....they're admiralty or external to usa laws or court laws..which the sc has no domain in unless it crosses the lines of the constitution

2021-02-18 00:53:08 UTC  

The difference between Rush and RGB, is she voted in laws that directly ended up in the murder of almost what, 100 million babies through abortion now? More? (I don't know the exact number.) Not to mention the less serious parts of her contributing to sexism towards men through her "women's rights" laws. She was a disgusting murderous bitch. The worst Rush Limbaugh did or more specifically from the perspective of a leftist was indirectly influence someone to be a crazy cultist/white supremacist. I don't defend the the idea that he did that because he didn't, but even the worst the left said he did, was barely even close to the BS she contributed to provably. She deserved it. She represented the worst a human being could get. She was human trash based off of what she did in her lifetime. The worst he supposedly did was make some people crazy (which he didn't obviously)

2021-02-18 00:53:23 UTC  

It's okay to wish for evil to end and be glad when good wins,

2021-02-18 00:53:54 UTC  

The day she died, many babies may be saved in the future because of it. And for that, I thank God.

2021-02-18 00:55:07 UTC  

Just like the death of Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Stalin.