I am the sleep
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Why does Virginia keep flipping
I swear to god if we loose because of a bun of Michigan libertarians
My map Biden has 16k lead
Nevada’s only 8k for Biden
Kenosha which is 2/3 red is still counting
Gap in Michigan closed by 7k
Google says only 9k gap in Michigan
Gap in Michigan is growing
Fing libertarians
Remember about faithless electors guys
All we need is one elector to change there mind
16 k gap in Michigan
Only 7.9k needed in Nevada
Remember guys even if we loose Michigan or Wisconsin we could still take Nevada. Other then that we would only need faithless elector to tie which would result in a republican win and then if it goes to scoutus we would win
> @Scarface6305 you cannot do that as it’ll be unfair for the state’s with the most population
@Jazzyx3 they do that in a tie pretty much
> what r we gonna do if biden wins?
@Scarface6305 we’ll look high and we’ll look low
Is Penn a red state now that we have a 10 point lead
If the National Census applied to this election then we would have won
> nevada is now stuffing boxes...trump should of shut down all voting as soon as they stopped counting in his states and sent in the feds obama made a law that allowed this
@luminoussun wait what
The gap in MI the is bigger then in Wisconsin now
34k gap in Michigan now
Are there any extralegal measures that are possible
I’m telling you man it’s the libertarians fault if we loose
Does anyone know some electors that I can bribe
When will they start counting in NV
Gap in Michigan is closing
> @I am the sleep it was for like 1 second its back
@Abby! bruh
> any news on wtf is going on in NV also
@participation trophy they have stoped counting until tomorrow
If the dems win Pelosi is gonna make it so 16 yo’s can vote
If we lose it’s because of Jo Jo
If only Nebraska didn’t split there votes
If the census applied to this election we would win
Wait is Trump gonna get Michigan
What is going on
Bruh imagine Biden tying to speak at Carters funeral
> Which name is better: CCPVirus, or Chinavirus?
@Sengorn Leopardae Kung-Flu
Apperently one of the poll workers in my county was caught running mail in ballots through the machines multiple times
If geogia goes blue we will need to march through it again
So apparently DHS watermarked all of the legit ballots and they are gonna have the National Guard recount them all
it possible to look up people who are registered
Is this thing is hearing about watermarked ballots true
How hard would it be to find 20k fraudulent votes in Wisconsin
> is the watermark thing people have been talking about real?
@LinuxDaily guys please say it’s real
We just need to prove 20k fake ballots in Wisconsin
> Than Military Determines the outcome if civil war
@Hypno so they would ally with trump
> @Sengorn Leopardae or we just burn down the cities.... Nvm that's already done
@Tex bring the good old bugle boys we’ll sing another song
Apparently some dems are trying to replace Nancy with Hakeem Jeffries
> Watch biden die and then kamala becomes president
@Diamond and then Pelosi die and Mitch become VP
One news station in the Czech Republic said that Biden would go to jail for election fraud, so thats a good omen
You forgot Spanish people as defined by government
I don’t think that belongs here
Oh it’s going down boys
Sic semper tyrannis
This is news not talk
When people say the American dream doesn’t exist but your parents makes 114X what your grandparents did
First gallant Texas nobly made the stand, then came Missouri and took her by the hand
We need Tennessee, West Virginia and Indiana
So far we have South Dakota, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and Florida
I mapped it out its literally the south + SD
Except Georgia burn Atlanta down again
10 now
Get Tennessee and West Virginia in here
10 plus Texas
It’s stuff from up the chat
As I Virginian I would like to see that too
Our AG is quite the lib just by looking at his website
I was thinking a lord if the rings one but that's ok too I guess
If VA doesn't join the lawsuit ima start a petition to remove SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS from the seal
Have any new states joined the lawsuit yet
Last one I heard about was Indiana
@Lanky B so far we have 11 states supporting a lawsuits which has been taken up by the Supreme Court that would give the republican state legislatures of WI, MI, PA and GA the right to choose their electors
What about Kentucky it doesn’t mention them
Well I mean if we got a leftie biased site
Big funny
So is it in officially now
One of the memes said a 19th state joined is that true
Oh wait Arizona
Is KY in it
I don’t remember seeing that
Mine has 19 but they are saying 20
Bro what she on about
Virginia would still only be at like 12% of its historical size
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