Message from @Riefen

Discord ID: 330434087275855886

2017-06-30 19:25:18 UTC  

I know all the infighting and shit of the 2000s but holy shit

2017-06-30 19:29:40 UTC  

That was the allegation. Of course, none of the convicted could prove it and the other 2 survivors didn't speak out because they both had families to protect.

There was a meeting following the death of Dr. Pierce in which all of the leadership of NA was secretly called to one of their two compounds in order to vote on a leader. Roper and two others (both of whom have made numerous attempts to hide their IDs since then, so I will not name...also, naming one doxxes me) didn't make it. One of the other two was with his daughter for her 2nd birthday. The second was across the country doing activism in the North and couldn't make it. Roper had no alibi other than he just didn't feel like going.

Within an hour of the commencement of the meeting, Feds no knock raided the compound and arrested all of the leadership when they found firearms, explosives, and blueprints to several synagogues and black churches. The expectation was a domestic terror attack.

2017-06-30 19:30:30 UTC  

Thankfully, all of the women and children who lived on that compound had left and the compound had been temporarily closed for mourning.

When the arrests were over with, Roper took power almost immediately.

2017-06-30 19:31:16 UTC  

Roper still has the IDs of the other two. He contacted the one with the daughter 4 months ago and invited him to become his right hand in his new organization he is starting.

2017-06-30 19:32:28 UTC  

It was Roper or it was the other survivor, who went completely into hiding after the event and had the look of a pale, stressed, anemic man after we received news of the arrests. He looked like a man on the run, not a man profiting from the situation.

The daughter survivor's alibi is solid, as I was at her party.

2017-06-30 19:33:06 UTC  

He showed no fear or that anything was wrong, and looked terrified when he received the call that they had been essentially blackbagged.

2017-06-30 19:34:03 UTC  

Was there a legit plot for an attack or was that bullshit

2017-06-30 19:34:05 UTC  

I was at the compound roughly two months before Dr. Pierce died.

There were no weapons aside from self defense handguns and rifles owned by those who lived in the compound. The only remotely terrorist weapon there was a Mac 91 owned by one of the security team.

2017-06-30 19:34:23 UTC  


2017-06-30 19:34:42 UTC  

This is a Mac 91

2017-06-30 19:36:06 UTC  

The last meeting I attended before his death, one member asked when the Day of the Rope was while Pierce was out of the building. One of the on-site leadership who was later arrested affirmed that it would absolutely never happen unless "those niggers start killing us first"

2017-06-30 19:36:20 UTC  

Pierce was not assassinated, and Roper is the only one who has ever made that ridiculous claim.

2017-06-30 19:37:23 UTC  

Well it is obvious him or any group he founds needs to be absolutely shunned like the plague

2017-06-30 19:38:19 UTC  

He comes off as subversive and I've only talked with him on twitter.

2017-06-30 19:39:06 UTC  

I have zero hard evidence and cannot provide the testimony of the two survivors without doxxing them. They both have children under 10 years old and I would never do that.

Chester Doles would be a contact you could ask. He should still be in prison. You could write him.

2017-06-30 19:39:32 UTC  

He was the on-site leader delegated to be Dr. Pierce's right hand and the commander of the compound whenever Dr. Pierce wasn't there.

2017-06-30 19:39:43 UTC  

He actually lived on site.

2017-06-30 19:40:53 UTC  

This is something to revisit when we have more power. If what you believe is true then he is a traitor of the first order.

2017-06-30 19:46:36 UTC  


2017-06-30 19:46:38 UTC  

Just found a story that states Doles is out of prison and lives in GA

2017-06-30 19:47:05 UTC  

I am still in contact with the survivor whose daughter's party I attended. He has given me a signed written statement of the events and timeline just in case Roper does away with him after all this time.

When we have more power, the two survivors would be willing to testify. In my opinion, those testimonies combined with his current subversive behavior would be more than enough.

There were countless more survivors, these are just the leadership who survived the purge. I was still a child, and very much not in leadership.

2017-06-30 19:47:40 UTC  

Wow. I had no idea Chester survived prison, much less got out.

I need to contact him. Did it say what town he was in?

2017-06-30 19:48:03 UTC  


2017-06-30 20:00:09 UTC  

That's pretty neat

2017-06-30 20:17:37 UTC  

Damn, nice storytime with @Riefen

2017-06-30 20:43:04 UTC  

Thats crazy man

2017-06-30 22:40:00 UTC  

I was in Dahlonega a few months ago when I got vetted for VA

2017-06-30 22:41:03 UTC  

Looking for a computer nerd asap

2017-06-30 22:41:32 UTC  

I dropped my woman's laptop and i need files off of it yesterday

2017-06-30 22:42:26 UTC  

Stuck at the "Asus searching for perfection" screen

2017-06-30 23:00:19 UTC  

You do IT stuff, don't you @Ronny TX

2017-06-30 23:04:42 UTC  

Sorry @Lathan_TX wish I could help.

2017-06-30 23:05:02 UTC  

I'm off til Wednesday, you goys!

2017-06-30 23:06:35 UTC  


2017-06-30 23:07:41 UTC  

Good to see there's a shit ton of new applicants.

2017-06-30 23:10:50 UTC  

@redskegg you should be fox's fashy friend. He lonely.

2017-06-30 23:25:44 UTC  


2017-06-30 23:25:53 UTC  

I'm everyone's friend.

2017-06-30 23:31:00 UTC  

Yeah, I work in tech support and major in Computer Science @Vice Commander Hunt

2017-07-01 00:48:30 UTC  

Gotta love these south Georgia storms

2017-07-01 00:51:55 UTC  

Getting one here too