Message from @Grossly Incandescent
Discord ID: 463053080553062401
>Fox /ourguy/?
@Deleted User yeah it's pretty cool to look at stocks and see how their prices react to world events
This is a very far off trade idea, but you guys ever think about how much opportunity will be created by asteroid mining?
A single 30m asteroid can contain 30B in platinum.
Others are also nickel/iron/gold heavy
They can all upset the supply of most metal related markets like hell
So: short on metals, long on mining companies.
And for those not in the know on this stuff: No, it's not *that* far off. We already have companies attempting this, companies like PlanetaryResources and DSI, and NASA (although recently canceling in 2017 the program) has also worked on asteroid redirection and recovery.
Yeah, the only people with enough of a reason to get off planet are mega corporations. That's why colonizing other planets is going to be hellish
I think it'll accelerate in the near future again
If one country ramps up space efforts, all countries do. Space races are great.
Do you think the space force could go hand in hand with these ventures? Basically becoming like our navy defending off world trade routes?
i don't think we'll have any need to defend space ventures for a long long time
There's actually alot of space laws and regulation concerning spacial property already
Two words: space pirates
yeah, like I said, it'll be a long time before we have space pirates 😅
access to space isn't *that* easy/cheap yet
put simply, there could be space pirates, when its safe and economical to be one at all.
Now if these pirates are governments just being cheeky, then that's different. And then there will really be problems
I love thinking about this stuff, but I’m always reminded that if we don’t win our species will be stuck on earth until our extinction, doomed to squabble in the dirt
or even worse
the *asians* do it first.
FTN discussed this a few weeks back and they think the Chinese space program is just a show to save face on the international stage. Their culture has spent so much time focused inward that were they to become the global superpower all off world ventures would cease to be.
eh, I don't watch FTN so idk what was considered. But I think the Asians would eventually do it
But they don't have our drive
But anyways, any kind of off world financial ventures I’m all for. What are your thoughts on Elon Musk and SpaceX?
Definitely a fan, Forever butthurt that Spacex is private not public
hard to find related investments
Wait, so will offworld resource mining literaly crash the shit out of gold/silver?
like, most rare earth metals won't be worth shit
Those who mine it will probably disperse it like diamonds
Selling just enough to keep the price high
They will also probably use large portions of it for themselves.
Something to consider as well, with emerging successes in fusion energy, it opens the door to element transmutation.
>Making gold
Alright Newton
Put the alchemy kit away
Nevertheless, most of these elements are much more useful than what they would transmutate to