Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty

Discord ID: 813993438873387058

2021-02-24 04:25:19 UTC  

Basically, this family ends up having candles placed at every single window and every single doorway in the house. (Major fire hazard and kind of stupid, but these parents are desperate.)

2021-02-24 04:26:18 UTC  

Agnes continues to be harassed by the demon as she distances herself from it and she starts lying to her parents about why she can't go to sleep at night. She routinely gives it power by offering her toys to it in hopes that it will go away, but it keeps getting stronger.

2021-02-24 04:27:20 UTC  

There's a brief potential subplot where they try to get medications for Agnes (something I'll have to look into as this is a historical setting and meds may not have been a thing at that point, especially at such a young age)

2021-02-24 04:28:58 UTC  

The climax occurs when Agnes goes to a sleepover and the parents neglect to light the candles in their house. The house is trashed and the demon realizes Agnes isn't there. Meanwhile, one of her sleepover mates snuffs her candle and Agnes gets literally dragged off towards the cave as the demon can now get to her. The parents call in a priest that has been showing up earlier in the plot (I have some vague ideas of scenes to introduce him in and make him important to the plot) and the demon tries convincing Agnes that it's just a lonely spirit. Agnes is buying it but the demon really just wants to kill her.

2021-02-24 04:29:45 UTC  

The plot twist is that it's a demon all along and that the candles were doing nothing - it was the parents' prayers that were keeping it at bay.

2021-02-24 04:30:04 UTC  

is there gonna be a sort of Van Helsing character? or is that the role of the priest?

2021-02-24 04:30:11 UTC  

basically, yes

2021-02-24 04:30:38 UTC  

on another note, i cant help but think that the demon looks like the girl from that wolf walker's show or whatever its called

2021-02-24 04:30:49 UTC  

that is actually exactly what I was going for

2021-02-24 04:30:56 UTC  

I saw that trailer and got part of the idea

2021-02-24 04:31:21 UTC  

A cross between that character and Samara

2021-02-24 04:32:02 UTC  

I'm still vague on the end and I've borrowed a *lot* of inspiration from various medias, some of which I haven't seen (Wolfwalkers being the one I know I haven't seen)

2021-02-24 04:33:10 UTC  

I'm still trying to decide if I have something solid or not. It's part Poltergeist, part Creepypasta (PenPals), part Wolfwalkers trailer, part The Ring, and part The Exorcist with a little bit of Annabelle in there as well. Also drawn from some personal experiences, though mine chalked up to me needing a med change. Some stuff I still can't explain though, so I won't rule out supernatural stuffs.

2021-02-24 04:33:24 UTC  

(Annabelle was hot garbage though.)

2021-02-24 04:35:09 UTC  

i think as long as it isnt completely obvious you should be fine

2021-02-24 04:35:20 UTC  


2021-02-24 04:35:55 UTC  

I got the initial idea from a Jenny Nicholson video where she said not to steal the idea of a "candle lady" lol

2021-02-24 04:37:52 UTC  

idk if it's too boring at first? It really doesn't get too scary until the climax

2021-02-24 04:38:13 UTC  

a couple dead squirrels and the feeling that the girl is in danger is it

2021-02-24 04:38:44 UTC  

not really

2021-02-24 04:39:19 UTC  

i guess you could sort of add visions maybe? of stuff that might happen whenever the demon screws with her

2021-02-24 04:39:36 UTC  

so theres technically danger, but its not real, or at least not yet

2021-02-24 04:40:13 UTC  


2021-02-24 04:40:47 UTC  

I've toyed with the idea of making her "shadowy" which is what I've seen in real life

2021-02-24 04:41:01 UTC  

I don't know if that's too close to The Ring though

2021-02-24 04:41:45 UTC  

also gives away the twist of her being a demon . I want the audience to think she's a ghost for the first 90% of the film to the point where they almost sympathize with it right before the twist

2021-02-24 04:47:36 UTC  

So this is basically a fictional story, and yes I'm really bad at writing stories trust me

2021-02-24 04:48:59 UTC  

It basically follows a 20 year old man named Rex, and he was basically once a broke college student back then. Suddenly, everything changed for Rex and he decided to work at a grocery store, just to meet a new friend, a customer, that could change his life forever.

2021-02-24 04:50:48 UTC  

Then, minutes later, Rex finally finished his 6-hour job at the grocery store, and then met the friend shown on his phone. And his name was Ajax Reinheim. He is only 21 years old, also a college student, but a rich kid from a family who has a history of making traditional pastries and selling them throughout the world.

2021-02-24 04:51:31 UTC  

Ajax met Rex after he (Rex) finished his 6 hour job at a grocery store, and then talked about what their interests are, so far and so forth.

2021-02-24 04:51:54 UTC  

Decent enough start.

2021-02-24 04:52:15 UTC  


2021-02-24 04:53:00 UTC  

At a 7-11, where their exact location of the meeting place, Ajax was supposed to go home by 8 to finish his studies and work, but instead, he met Rex there, breaking his own family rules.

2021-02-24 04:53:16 UTC  

(lmao 7-11)

2021-02-24 04:53:33 UTC  

"Ajax." Rex responded.

2021-02-24 04:54:09 UTC  

"Ah, Rex! Nice to meet you, by the way! Uh, sorry for the informal and yes, my name is Ajax Sonnenheim Reinhardt!" He replied. "Well, you can call me Ajax anyways. So, what do you have in store for me, Rex?"

2021-02-24 04:55:26 UTC  

"Uh well, my salary is just fine, no problem at all, Ajax."

2021-02-24 04:55:38 UTC  

"No, Rex. We're talking about the uh....."

2021-02-24 04:56:01 UTC  

"The uh...." Ajax continues to think about what he is going to talk about next as Rex waits impatiently....

2021-02-24 04:56:33 UTC  

"Ajax, are you going to say something?" Rex asked Ajax.

2021-02-24 04:57:12 UTC  

"(*ah sht, I forgot to go home at 8! GAHHHHHH! My parents are going to be sooo mad at me*)" Ajax lowkey murmured at himself.