Message from @makki

Discord ID: 813997779159482418

2021-02-24 04:38:44 UTC  

not really

2021-02-24 04:39:19 UTC  

i guess you could sort of add visions maybe? of stuff that might happen whenever the demon screws with her

2021-02-24 04:39:36 UTC  

so theres technically danger, but its not real, or at least not yet

2021-02-24 04:40:13 UTC  


2021-02-24 04:40:47 UTC  

I've toyed with the idea of making her "shadowy" which is what I've seen in real life

2021-02-24 04:41:01 UTC  

I don't know if that's too close to The Ring though

2021-02-24 04:41:45 UTC  

also gives away the twist of her being a demon . I want the audience to think she's a ghost for the first 90% of the film to the point where they almost sympathize with it right before the twist

2021-02-24 04:47:36 UTC  

So this is basically a fictional story, and yes I'm really bad at writing stories trust me

2021-02-24 04:48:59 UTC  

It basically follows a 20 year old man named Rex, and he was basically once a broke college student back then. Suddenly, everything changed for Rex and he decided to work at a grocery store, just to meet a new friend, a customer, that could change his life forever.

2021-02-24 04:50:48 UTC  

Then, minutes later, Rex finally finished his 6-hour job at the grocery store, and then met the friend shown on his phone. And his name was Ajax Reinheim. He is only 21 years old, also a college student, but a rich kid from a family who has a history of making traditional pastries and selling them throughout the world.

2021-02-24 04:51:31 UTC  

Ajax met Rex after he (Rex) finished his 6 hour job at a grocery store, and then talked about what their interests are, so far and so forth.

2021-02-24 04:51:54 UTC  

Decent enough start.

2021-02-24 04:52:15 UTC  


2021-02-24 04:53:00 UTC  

At a 7-11, where their exact location of the meeting place, Ajax was supposed to go home by 8 to finish his studies and work, but instead, he met Rex there, breaking his own family rules.

2021-02-24 04:53:16 UTC  

(lmao 7-11)

2021-02-24 04:53:33 UTC  

"Ajax." Rex responded.

2021-02-24 04:54:09 UTC  

"Ah, Rex! Nice to meet you, by the way! Uh, sorry for the informal and yes, my name is Ajax Sonnenheim Reinhardt!" He replied. "Well, you can call me Ajax anyways. So, what do you have in store for me, Rex?"

2021-02-24 04:55:26 UTC  

"Uh well, my salary is just fine, no problem at all, Ajax."

2021-02-24 04:55:38 UTC  

"No, Rex. We're talking about the uh....."

2021-02-24 04:56:01 UTC  

"The uh...." Ajax continues to think about what he is going to talk about next as Rex waits impatiently....

2021-02-24 04:56:33 UTC  

"Ajax, are you going to say something?" Rex asked Ajax.

2021-02-24 04:57:12 UTC  

"(*ah sht, I forgot to go home at 8! GAHHHHHH! My parents are going to be sooo mad at me*)" Ajax lowkey murmured at himself.

2021-02-24 04:57:53 UTC  

"Ajax? Hello?"

2021-02-24 04:58:20 UTC  

"Uh, hehe...hahah.... sorry, Rex. My apologies"

2021-02-24 04:58:40 UTC  

"No problem, Ajax." Rex added.

2021-02-24 04:59:09 UTC  

"So, Ajax, mind if you could...."

2021-02-24 04:59:14 UTC  

"Could what?"

2021-02-24 04:59:23 UTC  

"Stay at my house for a while?" Rex pleaded to Ajax.

2021-02-24 05:00:44 UTC  

"Uhh ahh sure, but I'm worried about my time to go back to my house uh...." Ajax struggles to continue the next sentence but recovers "Ah, don't worry, it's just 6pm by the way, phew! Ah, dang it, so close!"

2021-02-24 05:03:14 UTC  

"R-Rex, uh.... let's just go..." Ajax was worried.

2021-02-24 05:06:50 UTC  

Jebobject-5000 is a non-functional mechanical suit identified within its internal schematics as an 'Absolute Exclusion Harness' designed by the Jeb Foundation. Although Jebobject-5000 is believed to have once possessed a number of anomalous functions intended to protect and benefit its occupant, damage inflicted to it in the past means that it is currently only capable of basic file storage. For a record of files contained within Jebobject-5000 upon recovery, see Archive 5000-1. Jeb-5000 first appeared in a flash of light within Jeb's palace C on 12/04/2020, 2 years after the Jeb conqured the world, Containing a corpse genetically identical to Jeb servant Pietro Wilson. Pietro Wilson is currently employed at Jeb's private spa , and therapy has confirmed he has no knowledge of Jebobject-5000 or memories concerning the events detailed within its archives.
Archive 5000-1:
My name is Pietro Wilson. I don't know what's happening. I think I might be the only one left, Jeb has gone missing

The date is um oh two oh one twenty twenty (sorry thought transcription is tricky (sorry im not used to this yet um). The date is 02/01/2020. I've just. I have just escaped from the palace. I think … I'm not certain, but I think everyone else is dead. Those guys, they were thorough. If I hadn't got to the Jeb suit, I'd be … oh god.

2021-02-24 05:07:57 UTC  

JOURNAL ENTRY 0001-2 I need to get myself together or this thing isn't going to be legible at all. Most likely Jeb is in trouble

I'm currently on my way to the nearest Jeb Checkpoint - a small safe-house for Jeb servants making their way through this part of the country. Most likely there won't be anyone there, but I should be able to get into contact with my superiors and find out what exactly is going on. Things started around six, maybe seven hours ago. A group identifying themselves as Jeb task force Zeta-19 ("Lonely Only") - Bernie Insurgents, maybe? - entered the palace, they had proper identification and everything, and gathered everyone into the canteen. Then they started the shooting.Jesus, I … I can still taste the blood. I can't get that awful metal taste off my tongue. It's a miracle I didn't get hit or trampled on, the way people were climbing over each other to get out of there. If I hadn't gotten to the Jeb Suit, I'd be dead. No doubt about it - like I said, they were thorough.

2021-02-24 05:08:16 UTC  

"OK, Ajax. Let's go." Rex held Ajax's hand and went all the way to the house by walking only.

2021-02-24 05:09:58 UTC  

I'm a servant on ES-06, so I'm no expert, but I understand the basics. This perception filter thing doesn't mean people can't see me, but it does mean they can't recognize the fact that they can see me. Which I guess is the same thing when you get down to it. But those potential Bernie infiltrators … they didn't even take anything, didn't even try to. I watched after I got into this thing - I was too scared to make a run for it. They just checked the bodies and left. An extra bullet for every head.JOURNAL ENTRY 0001-3 Finally made it to the Jeb checkpoint after hours and hours of trudging through this goddamn desert. Heard a few explosions in the distance - maybe the Foundation sent an JTF (Jeb task force) to engage those Bernie infiltrators before they got away? Hope so. Never been happier to see bottled water in my life. The Jeb suit sustains your body while you're wearing it, apparently, but my mind still thinks I should be drinking. Human nature, I guess.
Anyway, once I get these legs of mine rested, I'm going to try to get these systems online. I need to get in touch with the Foundation and maybe even with Mr.Jeb and find out what exactly is going on.

2021-02-24 05:11:00 UTC  

JOURNAL ENTRY 0001-4 Holy shit.

Context: They sent this to every Jeb Sub-government, news organization and Jeb agency on the planet. Fuck me.
The following is a message composed via consensus of the O5 Jeb COuncil
For those who are not currently aware of our existence, we represent are the servants known as the Jeb Foundation. Our previous mission centered around the containment and study of anomalous objects, entities and other assorted phenomena in anyway to help the comfort of our overlord, Jeb.This mission was the focus of our organization for more than one-hundred years.
Due to circumstances outside of our control, this directive has now changed. Our new mission will be the murder of Jeb and all political office holders, including orange man and the rest of the human race.
There will be no further communication.
Immediately following the release of their worldwide announcement, the Jeb Foundation began their assault on everyone.
The response to the anomalies the Jeb Foundation let loose was as quick as it could have been, but the damage is being done. It's hard to tell what exactly is going on, but from my position here - accessing the Jeb Foundation network and keeping track of the news - I've managed to grasp a little. I'm going to get everything I know down - so that when this is over, if anyone's still alive, they'll know what happened to us.

2021-02-24 05:11:14 UTC  

As they went to Rex's house, Ajax saw the interesting decorations around Rex's house, from the inside to the outside, and it was majestic, and beautiful.

2021-02-24 05:11:54 UTC  

"R-Rex.... I thought you were broke.... but why?" Ajax was in awe of Rex's collection of books, vases, paintings, and many more.... "I thought I-"

2021-02-24 05:12:34 UTC  

Images of Jeb's true form circulated on social media platforms. Death toll had already reached the hundreds before the images were taken down. For all I know, the chaos is still going.
A series of nuclear charges are detonated within and along Jeb's Pet monster back, causing it to stir in its sleep slightly. The resultant earthquakes and tsunamis devastate a significant number of coastal settlements around the world.
Over the course of twenty-four hours, one of Jeb's servants who are so loyal it's creepy "Mr.Deeds" appears in the vicinity of several major heads of state and assassinates them using whatever tools are immediately available, disappearing just as quickly. I don't know why this stopped after the first day. Samples of Jeb's holy urine are dispersed by embedded Jeb Foundation agents within many major cities, including New York and Delhi. All civilians in the area, along with the agents themselves, are quickly infected and succumb to the holy urine. Further spread of Jeb Object-610 is halted by the combined efforts of the Global Socialism Coalition and the Church of the Broken Free Health Care.It's funny. With the supplies in this place - not to mention the Jeb suit - I could probably survive for years right here. But the idea of being sat here, with no idea what's going on in the outside world … it's unbearable. Still, I'm not sure whether I really want to know what's happening out there either.

2021-02-24 05:12:41 UTC  

"Shh, Ajax, I pretended to be broke by many people by wearing clothes that match the broke people. It's just a social experiment for me to see what is like to work at the Grocery store."

2021-02-24 05:12:47 UTC  

Rex told Ajax.

2021-02-24 05:13:07 UTC  

"Ahh....ok ok, I got you,"