Message from @the weeb 200

Discord ID: 815996483378741318

2021-03-01 00:33:11 UTC  

Like a restart or factory wipe?

2021-03-01 00:33:18 UTC  

a restart

2021-03-01 00:33:39 UTC  

I've restarted it multiple times and completely powered it off twice and nothing

2021-03-01 00:34:05 UTC  

huh ok ask david he knows best

2021-03-01 00:34:49 UTC  

Theres 2 people on my plan and I compared devices with loading in things, opened YouTube at the same time on each and the service on the other was perfectly fine but mine just stops working at all

2021-03-01 00:46:12 UTC  


2021-03-01 00:46:16 UTC  

That's really weird

2021-03-01 00:46:19 UTC  

Which phone?

2021-03-01 00:46:27 UTC  
2021-03-01 02:16:54 UTC  

this might be helpful to you? you mentioned you rebooted the phone only

2021-03-01 02:45:44 UTC  

any suggestions?

2021-03-01 03:22:59 UTC  

They have different brands of android xd, and even more models

2021-03-01 03:24:27 UTC  

A20s, sorry I felt asleep earlier

2021-03-01 03:25:05 UTC  

Thanks, sadly there were no updates and I think rebooting only made it worse

2021-03-01 03:25:28 UTC  

Ah hm. Can you look up to see if that model has trouble like that sometimes? (I would but my internet be slow)

2021-03-01 03:29:29 UTC  

I got a website providing a lot of potential fixes, I'll have to try them in the morning, thanks for the help. Almost brand new phone acting screwy already smh

2021-03-01 03:31:18 UTC  

Yeah that's not ideal haha

2021-03-01 03:31:26 UTC  

Hopefully the website can help

2021-03-01 17:10:35 UTC  

What kind of thing are you doing that needs a VPS host like that? Every solution for something like that is going to be incredibly expensive. You seem to be describing wanting a VPS or a rented server out of a country like Switzerland.

However, your normal enterprise/business VPS provider's aren't logging everything you do. Many even in the US are HIPPA compliment so if they were taking data from you or your files they would be put out if business within days. There is also a lot of competition so invading your privacy is just a terrible business model.

If you're needing over 10 plus terabytes of data a month that alone is going to be costing over $100 a month. I'm also assuming from your scaling you're talking about needing terabytes of storage and that's going to be costing multiple hundreds to thousands of dollars a month. However with VPS you can scale as high as you need with most VPSs.

VPSs and colocation data centers all use business class or even directly connect to the internet backbone so I'm not sure what kind of logging you think are happening on the internet side.

I'm going with the assumption that you're new to the enterprise compute and storage space and don't understand how much your requirements will cost or how the industry actually is right now. However, if you do and have a very specific requirement, maybe someone else or I will have some more feedback but your estimated server probably would cost over $1,000 a month.

2021-03-01 17:18:42 UTC  

thanks, im new

2021-03-01 21:18:30 UTC  

Looked at my Bank Account and saw that there was a payment to google. Completely forgot about my VPS and I don't look at my back account that often. Glad that I noticed it. Deleted my VPS immediately. I had the 300$ free credit. I thought if I used all of it, it just wouldn't work and the VPS would just turn off

2021-03-01 21:19:34 UTC  

By default it would, but at some point you must have given Google Cloud your bank account information.

2021-03-01 21:43:46 UTC  

what does this look like to y'all?

2021-03-01 21:58:31 UTC  

it keeps coming back after a few hours every time I try to wipe it off

2021-03-01 22:02:23 UTC  

I Was told it looks like the glass glue peeling away from the screen

2021-03-01 22:02:42 UTC  


2021-03-01 22:04:09 UTC  

well I don't know if "probably" is gonna cut it for my return claim, that's all xD

2021-03-01 22:12:33 UTC  

ye, that sounds about right

2021-03-01 22:12:59 UTC  

hey, can anyone reccomend a good set of headphones for a 3.5mm jack for under 50bucks?

2021-03-01 22:14:17 UTC  

my earbuds are finally starting to shat themselves, and I want to replace them with headphones since we use them so much in online school. I really want something with good sound quality for music though and idk the first thing about headphones.

2021-03-01 23:35:28 UTC  

it should be able to cut it

2021-03-01 23:36:17 UTC  

you took apart the cover & the cover glass to clean it right?

2021-03-01 23:37:17 UTC  

It doesn't have one, and yes I've tried to clean the glass several times <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>

2021-03-01 23:37:40 UTC  


2021-03-01 23:37:51 UTC  

did it come looking like that?

2021-03-01 23:38:17 UTC  

Iirc, it looked like that within minutes of handling if it didn't come out of the box like that

2021-03-01 23:38:32 UTC  

Idr exactly

2021-03-01 23:39:00 UTC  

Pretty sure it was like that out of the box

2021-03-01 23:39:48 UTC  

if you return it they can give you another phone right?