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Trump 2020

Maybe if you poop and cough at the same time you can fly.


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Anyone got any useful tips for debating with an Antifa Libtard?

Thanks for your advise. 👍🏻

Does anyone have like the perfect argument to tell antifa when they are talking about Proud boys and the right wingers being violent and beating them up? I mean they deserved it but, I mean like an argument where they can't say anything because that would make them look more retarded then they already are.

Is she Pregnant here?

Kinda hard to find pics of Pregnant Michelle

Does anyone have a video from the rally in olympia on the 5 December? Basically like a Video where you can see who started attacking, cuz I am pretty sure antifa started it like always.

Does anyone have a video from the rally in olympia on the 5 December? Basically like a Video where you can see who started attacking, cuz I am pretty sure antifa started it like always.

Does anyone have a video from the rally in olympia on the 5 December? Basically like a Video where you can see who started attacking, cuz I am pretty sure antifa started it like always.

Who created God?

And who created the one who created god?

How did god create God?

And whi created cthulu

Who created allah?

Space Jesus?

Space Jesus created All Gods

Obi wan created God

General Kenobi

Ok thanks. I'll count this as a compliment.

What do you guys think of Proud boys beating up Antifa?

Fedora <:ZedDecaprio:784198104646811668>

Fedora is nice but I think Arch or Kali are better depending on what you do.


which is owned by white people.

Nice. Might check PureOS out then.

Wow. Didn't think the Media would ever say that. Still dumb fucks but yeah.

If Men can't talk about abortions because they don't get pregnant, why can white People talk about racism even tho "there is no racism against white people"?
I don't get the Stupid SJW logic

Pretty sure he ain't antifa

Antifa Desintegrator 69 420

Only for 420,69$

Orbital laser is optional for 1776$

Lol. That's great

Can someone help me

Why is it yellow?

It says I am right wing but it goes from left to right and it is yellow

Sure I mean i do understand the left to right thing but not y it is yellow

Did the test in 2 Languages with 2 different results🤔😂

Are you german too or where you just asking out of curiosity?

Oh thanks. I don't really know the spanish culture so I can't really say that back (this isn't meant in a negative way) but spanish people seem cool. Heard you were good conquerors😎

I am actually also Polish😁

I find that abit funny because of the history between the two countries.

But I tend more to germany cuz I was born and raised here. Although my Allegiance is to both countries.

My Family has experienced Nationalsocialism from the Nazis on one side and Socialism from the Soviet Union on the other side.
So I am somewhat of an expert in regards of how bad and shitty any kind of Socialism/Communism is.

I don't really now the history of spain but I could imagine that it wasn't as bad there because i would have probably hear and read of it. Yeah unfortunately. But you can't change it sadly. But I am happy that i still have them. Luckily they now have a more privileged live then back in the Nazi times

Did your Parents originate from Spain or your Grandparents. Who came to America first your Grandparents or your parents?

Oh ok cool. No problem

Can someone link me the channel with ex general from the vietnam war please? There was a video and i can't find it rn

Hey. I have been watching salty for a few months now and I really do enjoy his content you should also check out Mr Obvious and Liberal Hivemind on YouTube.

I also do agree with you on the capitol topic

Hi where is that video of the ex general?

Anyone knows where that Ex General Whistleblower videos are?

There is no speech of trump tonight

Someone spread fake news

That's actually already a thing. And All Lives Matter of course. I don't get why BLM gets triggered when you say ALM don't they think other lives matter too?

Yea, guess you sre right

Kinda Ironic that the "Anti Fascist" really like that Trump and and some of his Supporters got banned on Twitter and other SM, which is Ironic cuz that was also a thing of the Nazis to oppress their political enemys.
They really like the Idea of a 1984 Orwellian World.

Though it is not only a Nazi thing but rather the thing of Regimes in general

Star Wars was always like the best thing in my childhood, which it still is but honestly the Sequels are just shit.

Designated Survivor was also destroyed in Season 3 as well as Star Trek Discovery in the new season.

Where did all the "politically" incorrect Movies and Series go? Guess I will have to stick to the old ones.

don´t know which sauce is more reliable

I don't know if it has Anything to do with Covid but I think that is one of the reasons why the debt js is so high

I don't understand how Obama kept the Debt so "low" when he started wars.

Proly some dark budget or some other shit

Hi. How does Health insurance in he US work?

Cuz In germany your employer pays it with your Money, it gets deducted from your Income

If you mean that everyone gets free healthcare than no

We have mandatory healthcare which means that our employer needs to pay our Healthcare with our money which he deducts from our Income

and there is also Private Insurance

I just don´t know how that works for homeless people

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