Message from @Kriegs Commissar McCraw

Discord ID: 807144481651556402

2021-02-05 04:37:31 UTC  


2021-02-05 04:38:02 UTC  

Trust me, I am not. I am one of the few Conservative Christian Trannies.

2021-02-05 04:38:10 UTC  

just the fact that you used gender dysphoria makes my think you'r different

2021-02-05 04:39:41 UTC  

Yeah, I view it as a mental disorder... which it is scientifically. Didn’t really have a choice but the older I get, the more I see that it is a curse and a blessing. It has pushed me farther and farther than anything else and made me do things I couldn’t imagine doing.

2021-02-05 04:40:20 UTC  

That and believing in Christ is what gives me the work ethic I have now.

2021-02-05 04:40:33 UTC  

dont get me wrong, i'm not gonna tell a schytzophrenic that the radio IS talking to them, I also don't really like the idea of breaking down gender in the way the left does today... that said, i understand the condition and do belive that Jesus is more powerful than it

2021-02-05 04:41:24 UTC  

For the most part at least in the churches I go to, people don’t ask questions if you aren’t flaunting. Your walk with God is not anyone else’s business. As Jesus freak said, we’re all fallen.

2021-02-05 04:41:37 UTC  

Thats a great testimony

2021-02-05 04:42:00 UTC  

Actually the other guy said that :p

2021-02-05 04:42:34 UTC  

Lol sorry superstonefan

2021-02-05 04:42:46 UTC  


2021-02-05 04:42:55 UTC  

Ok, y’all have a good night guys.

2021-02-05 04:43:07 UTC  

@Jwolf sounds like a Thorn in the Flesh kind of thing, seeing as you see it as more of curse now

2021-02-05 04:43:19 UTC  

Hopefully though we are all trying to improve and you will find that you can love yourself more, the more you live in truth.

2021-02-05 04:43:22 UTC  

@Jenjen it's okay

2021-02-05 04:43:57 UTC  

I see it as a curse due to the Psychological problems and stress it gives. It is a living nightmare to go through.

2021-02-05 04:44:24 UTC  

Jesus knows

2021-02-05 04:44:27 UTC  

You too! If it’s ok I’ll be praying for you, keep up your relationship with Jesus, follow his word, and wether in this world or the next, He will make us all new and perfect

2021-02-05 04:45:22 UTC  

Actually I worded that badly. In the next world he’ll perfect us, not this one

2021-02-05 04:45:37 UTC  

But hey! Thats just as good right?

2021-02-05 07:04:00 UTC  

The Hebrew were very prissy about their heritage, Jesus was also born of god as well.

2021-02-05 07:04:38 UTC  

Nails in his sides, ankles, wrists and hands

2021-02-05 07:06:45 UTC  

Would my water heater, which had been in fine working order, for the past at least 30 years suffice? My dad's afraid to touch it at this point.

2021-02-05 07:09:42 UTC  

The man or woman who shoved chicken eggs back into a chicken comes into mind...

2021-02-05 07:09:59 UTC  

How can you know that for sure? Is that not what faith is at its core? Believing that God is working miracles in our favor even without visibly observing his work?

2021-02-05 07:11:01 UTC  

Very absolutist, but that is my opinion

2021-02-05 07:12:59 UTC  

God/Jesus still works miracles, just perhaps not as overtly obvious by being here in the literal flesh like before.

2021-02-05 07:13:32 UTC  

As long as the dress and manner is not disruptive to the sacred ceremony its fine, but that's the Mormon attitude, so mileage may vary.

2021-02-05 07:45:47 UTC  

"Do not imagine that if you meet a really humble man he will be what most people call ‘humble’ nowadays: he will not be a sort of greasy, smarmy person, who is always telling you that, of course, he is nobody. Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him. If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a little envious of anyone who seems to enjoy life so easily. He will not be thinking about humility: he will not be thinking about himself at all.

If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him the first step. The first step is to realize that one is proud. And a biggish step, too. At least, nothing whatever can be done before it. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed."
**- C.S Lewis**

2021-02-05 12:50:59 UTC  

Of course not, my attire would be appropriate.

2021-02-05 14:08:46 UTC  

I hope you feel better soon, I will pray for you

2021-02-05 14:30:51 UTC  

I most definitely wouldn't. One of the biggest thing that the Bible says that a lot of people seem to ignore is "Come as you are." Don't be afraid to come as you are. God's arms are open to you. Unfortunately many churches won't like you because of your transgenderism, but there will always be someone who lives by the "come as you are" doctrine. I encourage you to find a church that will accept you for who you are (don't join a progressive church though. They will accept you, but they believe a lot of crap that is not true). Where do you live?

2021-02-05 15:02:59 UTC  

So does that mean churchs should have gay marriages?

2021-02-05 15:03:03 UTC  

I don’t know but transsexuality is a bit against Catholicism’s norms/traditions

2021-02-05 15:04:05 UTC  

I’m not sure but I think that Christianity rejects transsexuality

2021-02-05 15:04:37 UTC  

Concerning only Catholicism I’m 80% sure

2021-02-05 15:24:57 UTC  

well, i think that gay marriage is different from actually having gender dysphoria

2021-02-05 15:26:16 UTC  

while it may be true that some people have more natural inclinations towards the same sex that does not mean the act itself is not a sin. i think you can feel attractions towards the same sex without acting on them and it not be a sin unless you start lusting, same with opposite sex attraction

2021-02-05 15:27:19 UTC  

Funny how you say that. I have a bible verse that says even if you thought if you thought of it in your mind it this a sin.

2021-02-05 15:28:35 UTC  

Read this

but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a. woman to lust after her has committed. adultery with her already in his heart.

2021-02-05 15:28:54 UTC  

yeah, jesus says that even looking with lust would be adultury in the heart, that speaking of lust though, not just attraction. like if i see an attractive girl and think "hmm she's good looking" thats not sin, but when i get lustfull sexual thoughts then its a problem