Message from @Also a Human
Discord ID: 811310727301824532
Raiden does that too! It's cute
he watch
ImA wAtChDoG
Raiden gets mad at me when he snuggles and I don't pet him lol
Tux just flops over bonelessly in my lap until I love on him. "Lord Tux demands his skritchies." LOL
Better love on him before he slaps you
Nah, he's a sweetheart. Brain of a fruit fly.
Cute, Raiden slaps me when my attention is not on him
Most of my cats are happy with a little petting now and then. I only have a few that demand attention.
Dark's on my lap right now, trying to lick my wrist as I type.
Monkeys are cool tbh
random animals i’ve encountered this and last year, Top: Snail. Middle: Bald eagle  silhouette. bottom: Wood Frog.
the frog was on a trampoline,
oh, and baby robin in the first pic and Morning Dove in second.
You find such cute animals.
I live in right next to a forest.
I live in the country, but I can never seem to catch the animals on camera when I see them.
She’s intently watching the rats <:KEK:795742276549607456>
Found it from another server
They are so ugly they're cute
I once saw a hawk or eagle trying sit on the wire coming from my house. He flapped around for a few minutes, obviously unable to keep valence because he was too big
That’s so fucking cute oml <:SadPepe:801485397678489660> <:wholesome:805866398462902303>
Baah, I'm now goat
Also one of my frogs got pregnant
That’s awesome, I love tadpoles <:SadPepe:801485397678489660>