Message from @DishonoredRonin
Discord ID: 811264953239601182
The original farm cats came with the property over thirty years ago. We've had more names than we can count. LOL
That's an achievement in my opinion
That's how Nameless got that name. One year we had about thirty kittens born in just a few days. They all had names, and there was "that nameless one".
Best name story ever, imagine that with people. "Who's that one?" "No idea, so many kids were born that day we couldn't decide a name for it"
Thanks, she’s awesome.
Maggie on duty ☺️
I cuddle with kitty
No I'm not choking him, he likes his chin and neck rubbed
I have one that if you cup your hand, she'll shove her face into it. Looks like it would be at least uncomfortable, but it's her thing.
Raiden does that too! It's cute
he watch
ImA wAtChDoG
Raiden gets mad at me when he snuggles and I don't pet him lol
Tux just flops over bonelessly in my lap until I love on him. "Lord Tux demands his skritchies." LOL
Better love on him before he slaps you
Nah, he's a sweetheart. Brain of a fruit fly.
Cute, Raiden slaps me when my attention is not on him
Most of my cats are happy with a little petting now and then. I only have a few that demand attention.
Dark's on my lap right now, trying to lick my wrist as I type.
Monkeys are cool tbh
Bear (the one planning something) showcasing his arm
random animals i’ve encountered this and last year, Top: Snail. Middle: Bald eagle  silhouette. bottom: Wood Frog.
the frog was on a trampoline,
oh, and baby robin in the first pic and Morning Dove in second.
You find such cute animals.
I live in right next to a forest.
once a cow moose and calf walked right through my backyard,
I live in the country, but I can never seem to catch the animals on camera when I see them.
Jane the Pain, relaxing away from her kids.
Tiny (who isn't anymore) on top of my coatrack.
Bright ass photo of my girl 🥺
She’s intently watching the rats <:KEK:795742276549607456>
Found it from another server