buttface mcgee

Discord ID: 758118149815271485

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Thereโ€™s my cat in the fall, if anyone wants to see


Hereโ€™s a pretty neat sunset


I have a black cat, too. But he doesnโ€™t like planning things as much as he likes running away from terrifying treats being placed in front of him


It looks really good! Why do you feel unsatisfied with the ending? I know itโ€™s a stupid question and you probably know why, but sometimes I find it helps to ask why Iโ€™m not satisfied with something or donโ€™t feel itโ€™s good enough. Personally, I feel it might be that the ending doesnโ€™t seem to fit in with the rest of the poem, but thatโ€™s just me.

I feel like theyโ€™re pretty similar themes. As long as itโ€™s not something really off of what the poem has said or conveyed so far, I think it can fit. But yeah, I would play around with the possibilities

I once saw a hawk or eagle trying sit on the wire coming from my house. He flapped around for a few minutes, obviously unable to keep valence because he was too big


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