Discord ID: 348233576652734467
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I like this one
Busting the local dam is an option
Every now and then you'll see some turtles we well
While driving? Yes, here? Probably not
Fair enough, if you're going to get hammered than try not to be stupid about it
Understandable, hope you have fun
Unfortunately I'm heading off soon, the squad is online so I'll be joining them but I'll chat here for maybe five minutes
Videogames, books, anime, the outdoors, fishing, stuff like that
Feel free to Join in then @Detective Koala
Nice, personally I like the old and new, doesn't really matter as long as it gets my attention
Not here
I've been watching Clannad recently and it's been good, hoping to finish it tonight
That's cool, it's not for everyone
That's on the list but haven't seen it yet
Never heard of that one
If you're looking for a rarer anime I'd recommend Gargantia and the Verdurous Planet. It's definitely worth it in my opinion, though if you want to give it a shot I'd highly recommend that you avoid reading anything about it as they almost always tend to spoil one of the coolest plot twists
Nah it didn't interest me, Naruto was better
Kill la kill is nice, lots of fanservice but a surprisingly good plot
Personally deplorable I'd recommend not finishing seven deadly sins, the quality really drops off
Oh I know that golem one. Really enjoyed it, Somali and the forest spirit
Gotta get going, I'll chat later
All my results whenever I take this thing are in the the 4x4 of the blue. Never landed anywhere else
I mean it's consistent so at least I know what my views are regarding the test questions
This new test was long but had good questions
Agreed, you can't really define someone by a handful of electronic tests
Wait what? When?
I mean murder is bad...but it's getting rid of AOC, maybe God will look the other way just this once
Oh, that poor soul
Nothing a little catholicism can't solve
You'll pry my 70% from my cold dead hands, which I would've already super glued to my cold dead hands
Alright we gotta go form formation for chow, I'll be back in a bit
Ollie doesn't let anyone hold her but me. She's super attached to me for whatever reason
Barracks life is mostly shits and giggles
Nah active is where it's at. Might as well send it and go all the way instead of the weekend crap. Sure it's crappy half the time but the other half is pretty good for the most part
Anyone here ever play Girls Frontline?
It's their job to sell the military. That's how they get people
I sense degenerates
@Abby/15/BLM/LGBT/ feel you
We could make that one legless, anyone got a chainsword?
A sword with a chainsaw attached around it, so you're cutting things while cutting things
So the strange wolf thing has a KSR. Sounds like legitimate cause for an exterminatus
I will begrudgingly heed your words
Cats aka the eternal sleep animals
Sounds like heresy to me brother
Agreed, I've got a void and a partial void cat, both exist in a perpetual state of conflict
Definitely grounds for heresy then
Honestly black cats ain't as bad they seem, this whole bad luck thing is ridiculous. I've only met twenty seven near death experiences since getting him so I think that's proof this belief is blown way out of proportion
Ollie likes to only sit with me because she's scared of everyone. Zoobi is a void cat, no more explanation needed
Damn that's a lot, two's enough for me right now
He screams: error 404
Your dog looks a bit old, sagging around the bones it seems
Fair enough, living in a flat right now I don't gotta luxury of room
Quite a downsize but understandable, cost of that many must surely add up even if you're just buying food and litter
A decision that must be made eventually it seems
Good news then
D3? Now that's a funny funny name, might just as well call one :3 and say, "Semicolon three!" Whenever you want to get their attention
Ah, makes then. One time I had 5 ginger cats, the mum and dad we named Itchy and Scratchy because the Simpsons was still good back then and the kittens we never got around to naming because we gave them away
That's an achievement in my opinion
Best name story ever, imagine that with people. "Who's that one?" "No idea, so many kids were born that day we couldn't decide a name for it"
Woke up and chose violence
Yeah sure
Been *B A M B O O Z L E D*
Whipped out ol' black Ice big iron
I forget, stopped playing right after apocalypse came out but I was fairly decent in terms of rank
Been a wee while. Mostly because I've been playing so much siege and halo mcc
Love the game despite how toxic it can be
Favorite class in BF1?
Love support, especially the Lewis gun. Thing's just built too perfectly in my opinion
Yeah I can agree with that
The Bar I'd have to place low on support solely because of it's magazines size, reloading after every kill as a support isn't practical
I just run Lewis gun all day every day, or the suppressive variant when I'm feeling more defensive and less aggressive
Especially when mounted
Literally got a video in gaming memes showing it's low recoil
Unfortunately that's true which is a Shame for people who don't want to buy dlc
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