Message from @Noodle
Discord ID: 811095431353466880
btw I love Maggie, she looks like a very good girl
Your dog looks a bit old, sagging around the bones it seems
I live in the country. The crippled or otherwise defective farm cats become house cats, and I had a lot who were either born or injured just as winter started this year.
Nah, she's fat, and only six. LOL
Fair enough, living in a flat right now I don't gotta luxury of room
She also has some wolf in her background, and has that huge ruff across her shoulders.
I'll be getting down to six come spring.
Quite a downsize but understandable, cost of that many must surely add up even if you're just buying food and litter
Needs must. It's that or let them starve or die.
A decision that must be made eventually it seems
Nah, they'll still get fed outside with the rest of the farm cats come spring. But they'll also be able to hunt.
Good news then
But Rumpus, Grumpus, D3, Fader, and Loser were only a month old when the first snow hit.
D3? Now that's a funny funny name, might just as well call one :3 and say, "Semicolon three!" Whenever you want to get their attention
We had Drew, then a son/clone named Drew Two, then six months later another one. So D3.
Ah, makes then. One time I had 5 ginger cats, the mum and dad we named Itchy and Scratchy because the Simpsons was still good back then and the kittens we never got around to naming because we gave them away
The original farm cats came with the property over thirty years ago. We've had more names than we can count. LOL
That's an achievement in my opinion
That's how Nameless got that name. One year we had about thirty kittens born in just a few days. They all had names, and there was "that nameless one".
Best name story ever, imagine that with people. "Who's that one?" "No idea, so many kids were born that day we couldn't decide a name for it"
I cuddle with kitty
No I'm not choking him, he likes his chin and neck rubbed
I have one that if you cup your hand, she'll shove her face into it. Looks like it would be at least uncomfortable, but it's her thing.
Raiden does that too! It's cute
he watch
ImA wAtChDoG
Raiden gets mad at me when he snuggles and I don't pet him lol
Tux just flops over bonelessly in my lap until I love on him. "Lord Tux demands his skritchies." LOL
Better love on him before he slaps you
Nah, he's a sweetheart. Brain of a fruit fly.
Cute, Raiden slaps me when my attention is not on him
Most of my cats are happy with a little petting now and then. I only have a few that demand attention.
Dark's on my lap right now, trying to lick my wrist as I type.
Monkeys are cool tbh