Message from @DEUTERIUM ISOTOPovich
Discord ID: 812389042107711538
I think that one actually has
on second thought
this was probably just
it has, it's called "belgium"
fricken gottem'
man they are talking in circles
im bored
* dad joke *
because if you don't meet your basic material means you DIE
Just use the Iron law of oligarchy, it's very convincing @Erlik ᚯ
wtf i love belgium now
at this point I am convinced that only pol tards read hobbes
That's "human nature" you can probably prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
ok jimmy saville
Have you heard of Siege?
thomas hobbes
I think he was more of a catcher
"siege" is a homosexual loveletter
indo-aryan, scythian pilled
"can you demonstrate an aboslute?" ofc not, it only has to be historically conistent
He "developed" the idea of the social contract @DEUTERIUM ISOTOPovich
very redpilled
I know who hobbes is
this dude is so disingenuous it's incredible
wuz a jok
@Jacques de Chan did you ever get a new twitter
@DEUTERIUM ISOTOPovich he's the tiger in Calvin and hobbes
Innante competion
Woland you were killing him at the start but he's clearly taken too many philosophy 101 classes on Hobbes, get him off Hobbes
What you're saying isn't even reliant on any of Hobbes specific claims
He's just trying to box you into hobbesianism and attack that