Message from @juni
Discord ID: 812388814018314240
''ya keep ahppealin to naytuh''
Real unicorns coming out of the sky and giving me a pizza has never been tried
real pedophilia has never been tried
I think that one actually has
on second thought
this was probably just
it has, it's called "belgium"
fricken gottem'
man they are talking in circles
im bored
* dad joke *
because if you don't meet your basic material means you DIE
Just use the Iron law of oligarchy, it's very convincing @Erlik ᚯ
wtf i love belgium now
at this point I am convinced that only pol tards read hobbes
That's "human nature" you can probably prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
Have you heard of Siege?
Who is hobbes?? can someone pitch??
thomas hobbes
I think he was more of a catcher
"siege" is a homosexual loveletter
indo-aryan, scythian pilled
"can you demonstrate an aboslute?" ofc not, it only has to be historically conistent
He "developed" the idea of the social contract @DEUTERIUM ISOTOPovich
very redpilled
I know who hobbes is
this dude is so disingenuous it's incredible
wuz a jok
@Jacques de Chan did you ever get a new twitter
@DEUTERIUM ISOTOPovich he's the tiger in Calvin and hobbes