Message from @Just a Nice Fella
Discord ID: 800104749948731443
most recessions prior to 1945 saw deflation in CPI
Yeah, S&D was very flexible back then
Marginalism was right at one point
open market operations are a form of gov intervention
No they aren't
and are supported by virtually all keynesians
OMO's are just private central bank intervention
Yeah, those are monetarists not Keynesians
they just say they aren't enough
I mean literally that's true though
because Keynes hated central bank action for recessions
Friedman loved it
I still laugh at lolberts who blame Keynes for the mess we have now
not really friedmanites believe in inflation targeting, not countercyclical monetary policy
Friedman was a retard for rejecting ABCT
Yes they do
ABCT is false now
It's a defense for usury
I'm usurypilled
Feder's Theory of Interest <:chad:793675087064465449>
In his general theory and every other literature he had
He saw central bank action as barley demand responding for recessions
Keynes believed in spurring investment which open market operations precisely do
no you aren't
are you ?
No, he believed in socializing investment which is basically debt-free money to the government.
well I obviously dont think all interest is usury or whatever
Basically fiscal policy but no national debt
all interest is wrong and anti-bible
but I think what hammer and sickle is saying is that ABCT doesnt describe the nature of modern business cycles which I agree with but thats because of the government/central planners/private banks or whatever we want to call them
'hammer and sickle'
My emoji isn't hammer and sickle but call me cash plz
hammer and hammer
i assumed it was meant to represent a hammer and sickle
Austrians got lucky and only described 1 RECESSION throughout history
and that was the early 20's one
ive also seen empirical evidence to suggest it accurately described the great depression