Message from @Just a Nice Fella
Discord ID: 800104069993201705
Well we have to understand what Marx means by value
Obviously when we make mathematical models it's there's a big correlation but I don't think that means that they're actually is some sort of objective factor that is actually predicting what the price is going to be it seems like it's based on subjective preferences
Value to Marx is basically price
It's exchange value right?
It's neither
It's just firms theory of buying pretty much now
No value judges prices
Subjective and objective
Neither really change prices nor set prices in the 1st place
So I can't pretend to know exactly what modern Marxist argue for like maybe certain of his theories were vindicated by neoclassical economics or something but when I generally conceptualize the labor theory of it seems that marx was developing a system of economic prediction based off of these other thinkers of his time and they held the opinion the price of a commodity is the same as the labor that is expended to create it and that's how we came up with this theory of exploitation now if you're arguing for something different I don't totally know because Im basically rejecting his theory of exploitation because he's starting from false premises
Yeah, they can be exploited but they aren't exploited in the way Marx says they are
Marx's Theory of Alienation was right on
I could see that being true
@slavecaste prices remained rigid in the face of a huge collapse in aggregate demand due to government intervention lol
There was barley any government intervention in COVID
It was private central banker intervention and massive austerity
Keynes was based
Friedman wasn't
Yeah, S&D was very flexible back then
Marginalism was right at one point
open market operations are a form of gov intervention
No they aren't
and are supported by virtually all keynesians
OMO's are just private central bank intervention
Yeah, those are monetarists not Keynesians
they just say they aren't enough
I mean literally that's true though
because Keynes hated central bank action for recessions
Friedman loved it
I still laugh at lolberts who blame Keynes for the mess we have now
not really friedmanites believe in inflation targeting, not countercyclical monetary policy
Friedman was a retard for rejecting ABCT
Yes they do
ABCT is false now
It's a defense for usury
I'm usurypilled
he did, where?