Message from @AquaRegia
Discord ID: 809652821157740606
Lmao nice
This is American culture
Funny but probably a lie
Liberals manage to be the most rabid liars i have ever had the displeasure to witness
Not being able to join an university is a blessing in any case
@Rapid Steve are you the dearg guy on twitter
@Rapid Steve are you the dearg guy on twitter
None of this is going to happen
@Jacques de Chan why do maoris not look like this
i have never even seen a maori
just lookup whichever place they came from before the 1400s
they look like hawaiians and samoans
fijians and abos are austro but maori and hawaiians are poly??
oh theyre taiwanese @Jacques de Chan
og taiwanese not chinese
yah ik
Woland debate notes
pierced in 'n' out
@Rapid Steve explain
explain what bro
smple as...
Based and redpilled
yes to brexit no to foreigners [2]
This is just a bad Version of the German Apfelstrudel
in absolute awe at the size of this lad