Message from @thecarlinrhode
Discord ID: 809526398527864883
Giuli made good statement that Jap was first NatSoc regime
I wouldnt say Im racist
I just think a native population should remain the core population
But you are for fucking over out-groups
how do you mean
So long competition exists and it does your in-group will compete
We gotta VC this out
I would
but I would probs be drnk
''Карта распространения капсуловидных капторг (по I. Gabriel, 1991).'' what does 'Kapsel-Captorg' mean?
It means Kapsel Captorg
fuck it
heil hitler
is it some ceramic shit or what?
Lmao nice
This is American culture
Funny but probably a lie
Liberals manage to be the most rabid liars i have ever had the displeasure to witness
Not being able to join an university is a blessing in any case
@Rapid Steve are you the dearg guy on twitter
@Rapid Steve are you the dearg guy on twitter
None of this is going to happen
@Jacques de Chan why do maoris not look like this
i have never even seen a maori
just lookup whichever place they came from before the 1400s
they look like hawaiians and samoans
fijians and abos are austro but maori and hawaiians are poly??