Message from @Jacques de Chan
Discord ID: 798028028923084821
respect women
*saying this from the kitchen*
mommy makes your chicken nuggies every day
I am not here
this is not real schizo
please wake up
my mom is dead
and i make myself everything
damn sorry for u loss bro
Do not need woman
she used to make your nuggies
she was not a woman
She was an angel
so dont compare her to women
woman can become mommy if she love you very much
she did
And dont remind me of her
she can be a new mommy
or im leaving
just dont remind me of her
can we up the level of discourse here
let's talk about
@Blurry why are you obsessed with hating women
hmm let's talk about
hmm what should we talk about hmmm
what the
hmm let's talk about hmmm
@anti hi
hmmm let's talk about hmmm
lets talk about u shuttin yo trap
not a cracka nitch boy
how r u
let's debate nick fuentes
thoughts on him
if he's based