Message from @Panic
Discord ID: 803619584572784701
Good on geopolitics but I don't get his Heinigger stuff
Whats wrong with nazbol? Not legitimately anti-capitalist. Abolish the law of value nigga
Who is
I do, stay salty troglodytes
Man real dunk
because I have a functioning brain
goddamn lobotomite
Nigga you just can insult, you are unable to justify your beliefs
"Race is just a made up distraction to divide the working class evne if race now only serves as an obstacle to the merchant caste so the retarded idea that race was invented to justify slavery doesn't even apply anymore"
i smell debate time
I don’t need to justify my indifference to black people
On dunno let's debate imperialism
I am pro and you are likely against
no we arent, I don’t talk to short bus riding white boys
Anybody who debates imperialism has to read Lenin’s text on it
Having standards = being a coward
Wannabe debatebro
You probably think imperialism is just when whypeepo invade brown peepo for sugar or something
Coward don't care
>Calling people debatebro on a politics discord
> You probably think imperialism is just when whypeepo invade brown peepo for sugar or something
Ya sorry for not having autistic 19th century definition of extremely specific action
theres politically oriented servers that dont exist specifically for debating, it’s stupid lol
which is cool(it happened to my ppl)
"I don't need to justify my indifference"
"Why aren't you class conscious smh"
Your name fits you, you are nobody
whats the point of a political discord server if you don´t have debates ?
Next time I VC I will ping you to have a debate
just vc rn
Can't atm
Sharing resources/texts, having discussions, actively learning theory from different schools of thought, etc.
The Lenin book literally isn’t that though that’s why I said ppl need to read it