Message from @oistoy
Discord ID: 804832473028362280
my old acc was @Deleted User
if that answers the question enough
better be german nazbol
russian nazbol is gey
I just choose the nazbol role over the fascist one because I prefer the color lmao
>implying they have similarity
didn't say that
just the most acceptable role
Liminov was just a shitposter irl
Dugin is alright but he isn't a nazbol
Lmao niggas like you
You don't even know what the hell you are talking about
What part is wrong
The closest Dugin got to being a nazbol is saying that it is similar to 4th theory
I mean, there are other figures
But the most the party ever did was protest a mcdonalds
What trading platarform do you recommend for crypto coin
you know what
I can respect liminov for the whole kazahkstan thing
He originally wrote 4th Theory for Nazbol
lol wdym
dey was on top of buildings with fire n shieett
yea no shit that's why I said it
looked like u said somen else
mb g
They all look like faggots
Thats an evola quote right?
why are all leftist memes paragraphs long
attempting to proving their “intellectualism” to nobody but themselves
and the few autists who care enough to read the memes
lmao the wrong one is fat and unkempt
the difference between the two is the source of energy and the time of day
dead server