Message from @tradwifesocialistnina
Discord ID: 806658394776928287
i’ll join vc rn
not true...
virgin squad
no vc, so sad. all the euros are asleep
Its not even midnight
imagine sleeping
If the had clean uniforms, a better drill etc. this would actually look good
they need to step up their DRIP
> If the had clean uniforms, a better drill etc. this would actually look good
Is that you in profile pic?
thats not him lol
@sound asleep based spic
thats peter sweden
some norweigan conservatoid
discount richard spencer
no, its a meme on rw-twitter
hello "socialist, feminist, black"
i’m not a feminist anymore
@tradwifesocialistnina hi baby
@tradwifesocialistnina fuck u nigger
who says this
who decided to color in the soyjack
ur literally south american
they even made him aryan
stop being so resentful
this is why you like arab people
get some swag then cum back
actually babe the indios were ancient north eurasian/mongoloid mutts
simple as