Message from @epstein worship
Discord ID: 808355794890391602
Ah interesting
I haven’t kept up with the developments on that tbh
its good
@epstein worship so is our führer Eren winning?!
Trvst the plan
what happened?!
Not good things
@epstein worship tell me or I will banter you
what the hell is this
The full new chapter
But in gookspeak
this can not be....
Actually eren was in PARADIS this whole time, controlling the founder form with the warhammer titan's power, and now that zeke is dead, the power of the beast will be transferred to historia's baby, who he will then touch, and restart the rumbling
Ok I read it.....
This can not be.....
1488 rumbling will prevail
why are there rings
Cos he’s paid up
what does that mean
He receives money by rich ppl and think tanks to do what he does
yeah hes a fed
Does he?
he was in that one movie
white noise or something
the ad for it made me die inside
Idk what that is
Ya pretty bad but that was a while ago
Doesn’t explain how he’s a fed or takes money from shady people, though
Spencer is just a jock that decided to get into white nationalism