Message from @AquaRegia
Discord ID: 812913298039111691
Rwanda genocide yeah
american whites
not to be confused with the fuckhuge massive war that happened in 96
he couldnt explain that
whites negated off of noggers and indians
and that they gained farmland
they gained gold
they gained geopolitical power
OK ur dumb too
no he couldnt answer how they benefited
off of genocide
Yeah but he doesn't explain it, he just says "Rome merged with Latin tribes to fight the Gauls so racism is real" and Vaush just rightfully questions him on it
he also on racism in rome just had to say yeah they discriminated based on nationality and culture
Everything from the Bronze Age is kino when it comes to this concept of politics
Vaush:” Racist policies never helped anyone who uses them”
Mete: *mulato ramblings about Ancient Rome*
less race
Two words: INDIAN WARS
we dont gain
we just dont lose
For the syrians thrown in rivers thing I think he literally just copied wolands talking point in that one debate
race riots were caused by competition for jobs
I'm slowly becoming convinced you people are just as retarded as him <:fluoridestare:795722239542427688>
Kurukshetra War is REAL and Agneyastra IS a nuclear weapon
i bet ur so quirky n different
whos you people
They'll recognise themselves I'm sure
Hopefully this serves to reinforce the point of the one-drop rule. No, race is NOT only phenotype, as it was clearly proven today.
nigga stfu
I mean
We could look into that <:quaint:804076618061709384>
This defeat is so embarrassing it reminds me of the treaty of Versailles
Can't wait to see what happens in the next 20 years <:pikalmfao:795720777248538646>
Nothing happens anymore
is this metenojo guy still speaking with vaush or is this a new guest?
Getting 2nd hand embarrassment from this
What's up guys hope this server cures me from Twitter
you wouldn't happen to be Commie Naahzie would you???