Message from @Der Seeteufel - SD

Discord ID: 459782501033050133

2018-06-21 18:21:16 UTC  


2018-06-21 18:21:35 UTC  

That's very cool, man, I hope it works out

2018-06-21 18:22:33 UTC  

No wonder she couldn't handle a week away from home, tbh

2018-06-21 18:28:04 UTC  

She's was here 3 months. She was just in Wisconsin and I didn't know that she was here. My pastor actually introduced us. I'm amazed no one else tried to date her. I was apparently the only guy to show any interest in her.

2018-06-21 18:38:00 UTC  

The only real reason she had to go back is because her tourist visa was about to expire and if she wanted to stay we would have had to get married.

2018-06-21 18:44:55 UTC  

It's very trad to marry a girl after meeting a week prior

2018-06-21 18:46:56 UTC  

Yeah the whole thing is super trad. In case anyone is reading this and is wondering what we're talking about there's a girl who is a member of my church and her family is the only family in Australia that has fellowship with us. So her father sent her and her sister to find husbands in America.

2018-06-21 19:34:19 UTC  

>and her sister

2018-06-21 19:34:24 UTC  

Bruh what church

2018-06-21 19:51:50 UTC  

Her sister is apparently already dating someone. Which is fine by me because I got the cuter younger one.

2018-06-21 23:37:33 UTC  

Loading sunflowers.

2018-06-22 00:54:29 UTC  

I was about to say “hop on Farmers Only or Christian Mingle, you can easily find a girl from the next town over” but,

>She's very conservative, literally never worn pants.

Ooh, that gave me a tingle. Love me some ladies in dresses, way too rare these days. So feminine and wholesome.

2018-06-22 00:55:43 UTC  

But still, you can find ones near you that will have a much higher return on investment.

2018-06-22 00:56:38 UTC  

I have a date Sunday with a girl on eHarmony whose profile pic is in a dress and is an open conservative. Multiple women on Christian Mingle say in their profile that they’re homeschooled and greatest goal is to be a good mother.

2018-06-22 01:00:58 UTC  

Edit: just read the rest and ... wow. Keep us informed.

2018-06-22 01:46:52 UTC  

@Tanner - SC it's kind of a unique situation. I love her and honestly I'd marry her in a heartbeat, but she is only 19 and not ready to move away from home yet. My church is also super conservative German Lutheran and ever since I have become more involved in the church the more important finding a wife who shares my religious beliefs has become. Even during IEs conference I would probably have called myself borderline agnostic but I prayed for a wife and the next day my pastor sent me an email. Honestly I don't know if there's any coming back from this point.

2018-06-22 01:57:41 UTC  

>Maybe go to Australia during the winter

I would go earlier. Go meet her family, win them over. You’ll learn more about her. They might help encourage her into your arms, they might decide to move to America to facilitate their 2 daughters’ relationships. But 6 months without her is too long.

2018-06-22 01:58:23 UTC  

Sounds like a great situation.

2018-06-22 18:10:56 UTC

2018-06-22 18:11:20 UTC  

Crawling around inside a combine.

2018-06-22 18:11:30 UTC

2018-06-22 18:11:50 UTC  

Pulled all this junk out.

2018-06-23 13:19:05 UTC  

Finally got to drive this thing further than from one end of the field to the other. It rides a little rougher over the road but kicking it up to 20mph is pretty fun.

2018-06-23 17:27:21 UTC  

Moved a couple of other big ol girls this morning.

2018-06-23 17:47:26 UTC  

I really want to get a line up of all our big tractors, but they are never all in the same place at once.

2018-06-23 17:51:21 UTC  

Each one of these tractors costs more than my house and we have 3 more 9380s and a few other old tractors that aren't really in use anymore.

2018-06-23 17:53:00 UTC  

This is a 9380.

2018-06-24 11:33:22 UTC  

talk about mechanized farming

2018-06-26 16:15:18 UTC  

Keep your heads up boys.

2018-06-26 18:17:03 UTC  

I'm ok. I can see why this is a problem though. It probably isn't the incomes though it's addiction mostly to alcohol and gambling. Farmers tend to be risk takers and that often puts them into positions where they can lose everything in a very short amount of time. Lots of farmers who would have been just fine otherwise lose everything to gambling. I've known people who have lost tens of thousands of dollars on video lottery. I can't even go into an Indian Casino anymore. It makes me sick.

2018-06-26 18:28:03 UTC  

Not to mention the financing it takes to get your implements.

2018-06-26 18:34:19 UTC  

Yeah but all that stuff is manageable. Banks are actually surprisingly willing to work with you (at least out here) my dad works in finance and he's said that he's never seen a farmer go broke that didn't have some other issue. Honestly the problem might be that there is too much "big money" in farming. My grandfather raised 6 sons and a daughter on a barely subsistence income and he was apparently one of the happiest guys in the world.

2018-06-26 18:58:08 UTC  

We're delivering some feed corn to a stock yard. This will be my first highway trip in a semi.

2018-06-26 18:58:31 UTC  

I'll be driving this behemoth.

2018-06-26 19:01:19 UTC

2018-06-26 19:07:41 UTC

2018-06-26 19:08:02 UTC  

Loading trucks is pretty boring so I'm just talking a bunch of pictures.

2018-06-26 19:08:56 UTC

2018-06-26 19:10:12 UTC  


2018-06-26 19:14:22 UTC  

Since this server is ment to be informative I thought I show you how we know how much weight we have on the truck. This gauge measures the pressure on the air bag suspension. We're shooting for 80psi