Message from @Punished Bob
Discord ID: 433779321690128385
Today I ordered Hitler's Table Talk so I'm out of shekels, but that'll be my next read
Nice. Yeah I've gotta read a lot of the natsoc stuff, there's a lot of overlap between the reading list you posted earlier and stuff on my list
learning about hitler isnt fed behaviour
shut up vin
larping as nazis and doing roman salutes is though
Yeah there's no feds here. Now let's talk about firearms, you guys carrying? How many weapons do you own?
Thanks Sleight I appreciate it, I won;t bring up National Socialism if the folks running the server don't like it, I get it's not your thing, but I still maintain you've all been lied to
nick knows whats up and has learnt about it
have you seen the greatest story never told?
ok this is epic
Yeah I have, it's not quite as polished as David Irving's material and 'Hitler's War' (another great read), but it's still great
Okay, this is epic*
okay, i fucked your mom
okay, this is gay
ur mom gay
i have so much shit i need to read
That's Hitler's home videos, I compiled them and set it to sad music, brilliant for propaganda purposes
My amazon wishlist never gets smaller, no matter how many I order
Well the ones filmed at the Berghof are
huh apparently ive been on this video before, because im 4 minutes in
its a timestamp
Maybe I was 4 minutes in when I copied the link.. boomer tech
oh haha, I thought it was on my end
I've quite a few audio readings and text to voice stuff such as this one:
The American reading list looks quite good
im not interested in the german or other ones
but american third position looks interesting
nazism is an old meme
whats a good book on ww1 that is completely truthful and has no sneaky lies
Storm of steel but I imagine you're looking for a historical analysis?
Storm of Steel is good, can recommend
From storm of steel
Who else wants a Assad Cardboard cutout?