Message from @Brook
Discord ID: 433778042368819211
We spent all that time in history learning lies about the holocaust
i knew nothing about world history and geography when i left school but i knew all about the holocaust and ghandi and nelson mandela
oh except for how nelson mandela was a murderer and a terrorist
what a joke
Pretty much yeah. We were reading To Kill a Mockingbird when we could have been reading the classics of the west
We did learn a good bit of real history at my school, but thats probably just because my teacher was a cool guy
Almost all of my knowledge, except for the basic foundations, I pursued and found out myself. I made a point of learning about politics, WW2, National Socialism, the English Civil War and spirituality, all through books I bought and the internet
I remember learning about Goethe for the first time and when I read Faust I was just dumbfounded because there was this work of art that some consider to be one of the greatest books of all time and I'd never even heard of it or had any contact with it
i gained everything i know as soon as i left school
I've never read Faust, or anything by Goethe sadly
I went to a Grammar School which makes it all worst
Im still in uni but yeah most of the stuff ive learned ive taught myself
Schools are designed to produce worker units (if that) not intellectuals (or even just intelligent people)
Yeah you should read Faust, parts of it can be a bit difficult but overall its a very good book, I'd recommend the (((Kaufmann))) translation
Kaufmann was the original Luke Ford, he was a goy who converted to judaism
I heard somewhere that the second volume or part is essentially not worth reading, is that true?
reason I know that is I always check if the translators are jewish
Its not, Kaufmann translates Act I scene I and all of Act 5 for you
just read a summary of the rest
Part of why its not worth reading is its hard to translate as its more poetic and its so riddled with references and allusions that basically only scholars or megabrains can understand it
Part I came out long before it and is the really famous part. Read the ending though, it provides closure to it and its really good
Thank you, I definitely will
Nice. Yeah I've gotta read a lot of the natsoc stuff, there's a lot of overlap between the reading list you posted earlier and stuff on my list
learning about hitler isnt fed behaviour
shut up vin
larping as nazis and doing roman salutes is though
Yeah there's no feds here. Now let's talk about firearms, you guys carrying? How many weapons do you own?
Thanks Sleight I appreciate it, I won;t bring up National Socialism if the folks running the server don't like it, I get it's not your thing, but I still maintain you've all been lied to
nick knows whats up and has learnt about it
have you seen the greatest story never told?
ok this is epic
Yeah I have, it's not quite as polished as David Irving's material and 'Hitler's War' (another great read), but it's still great
Okay, this is epic*
okay, i fucked your mom
okay, this is gay
ur mom gay
i have so much shit i need to read
That's Hitler's home videos, I compiled them and set it to sad music, brilliant for propaganda purposes
My amazon wishlist never gets smaller, no matter how many I order
"home videos"