Message from @Solipsistic Vinarchy
Discord ID: 416423066781089794
His badge only has 5 points, wtf
I'm really surprised and impressed so many people are woke on this
This kid is a sicko
He's one of the "survivors"
>Scott Israel
Scott fucking Israel
The Jewish governor of Missouri just got indicted for felony invasion of property
Red pill bullet points...
1. Multiple students claimed there was a drill planned
2. There's mass censorship on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube of anyone who disagrees with official narrative
3. There's no surveilance video of the gunman
4. CNN focal point, David Hogg was conducting interviews DURING the shooting
5. David Hogg appears to have taken a trip to CNN headquarters before the shootinf ever happened
Got a link to tweet by chance
I'll find in a little
Soaking after gym rn
ear piece
ear pieces are pretty normal I think
not that the rest of it isn't very fishy though
@Derp he’s not jewish is he?! he was a navy seal! i’ve spoken with him a couple times for work when he’s done events with my governor. damn too bad. knew he got caught cheating on his wife
explain that pic
When is it supposed to be from and where
no idea
Trump knows these kids are lying to him right in his face
epic music
ignoring school shootings epic style
From the real sheriff israel
This is from Feb. 11th
"We don't say his name"