Message from @Marcus Antonius
Discord ID: 413456916690239518
Thats in the first 4 lines
or 6, w/e
ooops wait thats the wrong call to action
thats last week this one is one second
Stay vigilant but I really see any kind of shit like this getting BTFO'd by a red congress
In some form or fashion
jusatr wait dude
the ATF is trying to put up regulations
not a bill
its a back door ban for almost anything that can be construed as a rate increasing device even custom triggers
The atf is worse than cia niggers
Sorry am phone poasting rn
stay tuned to this chat i get mails from GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA and they send me a way to get people to mail email and fill out complaints to stop this kinda shit we have done it before and WON
There really is no feasible way to set a rate of fire limit under law... I don't doubt they are digging for ways to fuck us, they always are, but this is too stupid to even get traction I feel
thwey could easily make toruble and we will HOLD THEIR FEET TO TH FIRE
also heres my new baby
what a lil baby gun
shes a beaut
nice and smooth nice matt nickel finish
I just found out my coworker is a /k/ommando
my father and I are abbout to into buisnes with our very close friend who is an excelent gunsmith in Illinois. we are gonna be making some good shit. ill post here when the time comes but right now its still work in progress
also i bought a FAL from DS Arms.
best gun
Going to the range and shooting my AR soon to own the libs
Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks Warrior Skills Level 1,%20Warrior%20Skills,%20Level%201.pdf
chapter 3 is helpful for self defense
Reminder that Reagan was shittier on gun control than MARX
And Bush Senior was even worse than that.