Message from @🎭🎵
Discord ID: 408045269679210496
No idea why though
Civ v
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
**Playing** 🎶 `Third Impact (Komm, Süsser Tod) - Goodbye Internet` - Now!
TFW no amulet of kings 😦
We aint KANGS until we retrieve it
I'm so hype for Kingdom Come
music is amazing
Apparently if you walk away from a battle or something and go back a short time later the battle could have been won and the commander will be like "WTF dude." And tell you off. And if you wait too long you have to go to the lord or quest giver and he'll roast you for it.
This game is gonna be huge
My pick of GOTY for 2018 so far, I don't think anything will beat it.
Is the dude who made it woke too? this is how we honor the dead in the collective
@here who wanted to add me
Carolus Linnaeus
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